Logic pro 9.1.1 comments

Sep 18, 2008
After getting totally fed up with the Pro Tools (m-powered) and its non-existing features I've been looking into a new daw and the Logic seems to be the most suitable and interesting for me atleast on the paper..

What still keeps me from buying this is the reports of numerous bug issues (RAM-issue being one of the greatest) and whole conversation of the software being quite unstable, even with the newest 9.1.1 update.

I would be using it mostly for composing with shitload of softsynths and with audio recordings. Mixing would be also handled with this as it's no option to even think to mix something in tools.. So fullblown all-around DAW is what I would need.

So what's the metalheads take on this? Share some opinions..

Thanks for any info, lets get some fresh user feedback going..
No dropouts or bugs with 9.1.1 for me.
Actually, with the new Fireface driver even the annoying startup loud noise burst stopped. Everything is working smoothly, I love it.
But I guess you'll have to try if it suits your workstyle and you'll need some time to get used to it (same with any other DAW).
No dropouts or bugs with 9.1.1 for me.
Actually, with the new Fireface driver even the annoying startup loud noise burst stopped. Everything is working smoothly, I love it.
But I guess you'll have to try if it suits your workstyle and you'll need some time to get used to it (same with any other DAW).

Great to hear. I've done my research and getting to know all the main features Logic holds.. that's not so much of the problem.. I'm sure Logic would be easily the most suitable as long as the bugs won't start fucking the workflow and that's what bothers me and therefor I'd like to seek some more thoughts with the stability issue etc before spending the money.

Somehow I feel most of the talk f.e on gearslutz features mostly negative shit about the recent version.. Although I know that the ones that don't have these problems aren't the ones that are declaring it first in forums..
I use Logic for everything myself and love it. The editing still has some minor annoyances but other than that, my workflow's fast and I'm most comfortable with it compared to other DAW's.

What I mean with the editing annoyances is essentially two or three things really. Drawing fades still sucks quite a bit compared to PT, even though it's miles better than in Logic 8. I don't know why, but when I draw them dragging from the top corners of a region, they sometimes don't appear even though inspector shows that they should be there. I then have to edit the value in inspector (eg. erase the 300 I have there and type in 301) and it appears. Also, I hate that you have to change the fade type from inspector, e.g. if you've had two regions besides each other and a crossfade in between, and the latter one is empty so you delete it (happens all the time when you flatten a comp) and you start making a fade out to the first one, nothing happens since the fade out's still in the eq-p crossfade mode, so you have to change it first.

I also don't like how the visual sizes of the fades aren't constant, and seem to change a lot when you zoom in and out.

And then the occasions when you have to use the sample editor. I had to correct some pops and dropouts yesterday and it made me go crazy. Fuck, why can't it be done in the arrange window and as easily as in PT? The waveform just cannot be zoomed into in the same way. Though actually, I then did it in the arrange window after all, since penciling or copying the waveform in the sample editor just didn't work out, so I copied a small bit over the unwanted parts in the arrange window and crossfaded it until it wasn't noticeable anymore.

Overall, I still rather use Logic than PT or Reaper. Though because of the editing, I sometimes feel like I should start doing that stuff in Reaper since I feel it's editing is more PT-esque.
I use softsynths fairly heavily.. namely Play, Komplete 6.. the drawback currently is Play inside Logic (both 32bit) if you run Logic 64bit you'll get 4gb running on the AU bridge which is OK currently but I've had it shit out as well. Kontakt is 64bit and the others (Komplete) are coming along. Play2 will soon (hopefully) be 64bit so at that point I won't need AU bridge for anything which will be very cool.. wait I take that back.. I'll use it if I run Kore 2..

For my needs it fits the bill but it's not the holy grail. Running Logic in 32bit with those softsynth's that I mention above it takes no time to hit the ram ceiling. Superior 2 is another that will chew up your ram in no time running in conjunction with other plugs 32bit. Lately I've been running Logic strictly 64bit without the fairly common memory problems that I'd hit 32bit.

What plugins/softsynths are you going to be looking at using in Logic?

I use softsynths fairly heavily.. namely Play, Komplete 6.. the drawback currently is Play inside Logic (both 32bit) if you run Logic 64bit you'll get 4gb running on the AU bridge which is OK currently but I've had it shit out as well. Kontakt is 64bit and the others (Komplete) are coming along. Play2 will soon (hopefully) be 64bit so at that point I won't need AU bridge for anything which will be very cool.. wait I take that back.. I'll use it if I run Kore 2..

For my needs it fits the bill but it's not the holy grail. Running Logic in 32bit with those softsynth's that I mention above it takes no time to hit the ram ceiling. Superior 2 is another that will chew up your ram in no time running in conjunction with other plugs 32bit. Lately I've been running Logic strictly 64bit without the fairly common memory problems that I'd hit 32bit.

What plugins/softsynths are you going to be looking at using in Logic?


Yeah. This is the kind of comment I've been getting quite much with the RAM.. I own spectrasonics stuff and superior drummer 2 = probably the worst plugins to work with logic at the moment.. :dopey: Have to check does these plugs work with in 64 mode without the bridge..

Overall there's many many pros with logic but this performance issue alone is so big of a con that it's really putting me off..
Yeah. This is the kind of comment I've been getting quite much with the RAM.. I own spectrasonics stuff and superior drummer 2 = probably the worst plugins to work with logic at the moment.. :dopey: Have to check does these plugs work with in 64 mode without the bridge..

Overall there's many many pros with logic but this performance issue alone is so big of a con that it's really putting me off..

I forgot to mention Stylus Rmx.. it's 64bit.. I think all Spectrasonics plugs are now. I totally agree on Superior 2.. they need a 64bit version in a bad way.


Edit: yea no bridge needed for spectrasonics in 64bit.
I have sold my Pro Tools LE rig (Digi 003+) and right now i'm loving Logic Pro 9.
Also i'm using Reaper for Slip drum editing, so, no need for Pro Tools anymore!
It's incredible how Logic can optimize your cpu ass while mixing...different story with Pro Tools LE.
Thanks for the feedback guys! Seems like I have to pull the trig and try it myself.. Shitload of bouncing ahead from pro tools after that to get all the current projects to logic... :goggly: