Pro Tools 9 - the right DAW for me?


Oct 9, 2007
Hey guys.

With the release of Pro Tools 9 I'm again thinking about switching from Logic Express (just because Pro Tools is still the industry-standard - other than that, I love Logic).

One thing that kept me from switching was the less-than-ideal MIDI-capability when it comes to programming drums or synth-lines. Logic comes with the Piano-Roll and the Hyper-Editor and I can live with that combination.

How does Pro Tools 9 live up to the competition?
Can any of you new PT9-users post some screenshots and insights?
PT9 looks just like PT8

as far as the midi goes, I dont see how it can be too much different than any other DAWs
PT is my DAW of choice so the midi is what im used to but I can switch to a friend's cubendo, logic, reaper, sonar and know exactly how to work it.
Idk how the PT midi can be less than idea tho? isnt midi just midi or am I missing something?
I really don't get the fuss about Pro Tools' MIDI editing. Yeah, it doesn't have the drum names on the piano keys and the hits look like squares instead of diamonds when programming drums, but that's pretty much all the "disadvantages" I can see compared to - for example - Cubendo. Just give it a go, I'm sure you'll get used to it :)
yea, to add to the midi stuff.
I actually use midi for all my sound replacement (if any)
and the workflow for me personally is damn near flawless.
my only request would to be able to edit the key names, but I live without it and now Im to the point where it doesnt matter at all.
Just give it a go, I'm sure you'll get used to it :)

This is probably the best advice

See if you can meet up with someone that has either PT8 or PT9 (because the workflow pretty much the same) and ask them if you can play with their setup for a while. I mean a DAW is a DAW, they all do the same thing (for the most part).

For me when I'm at a non-PT studio or trying out new DAWs its not a matter of well whats different, I just need to re-learn key shortcuts and movement for that DAW, everything else is the same deal.

If you would like me to post some screenshots or a video of the Midi in PT9 and the Midi edit window I am more than willing to help you, just gimme a shout

(and I dont mean to spam this thread, Im fighting off sleep and I'm really hyped on PT9 atm!)
Guess I didn't make myself clear enough.
Of course does PT come with the Standard timing/note-based MIDI-Functionality like the Piano Roll in Logic etc. - but it still lacks a more velocity/timing-based editor, too, right?

Hmm... just giving it a go is a bit hard without having the option to try out a demo before, when PT9 costs 600€ ;)
The only problem ive ever had is that PT doesn't do drum maps, so if for example somebody gave you a midi file of drum programming that was written in Cubase with DFH and you want to use SSD in PT you have to move/re arrange all the hits to match up with the appropriate drums which can take a while,
In cubase you can just create a drum conversion map, for example Map Kick input C0 to output C3 then when ever the sequencer some across a note on note C0 it will sound the instrument on C3 pretty cool IMO,
Correct me if im wrong but there no way to do this in PT.
As far as programming from scratch i dont think you will come across any problems.
If you would like me to post some screenshots or a video of the Midi in PT9 and the Midi edit window I am more than willing to help you, just gimme a shout

That would be damn awesome. A screenshot or two about drum-programming would be nice. And if you even find the time to record a minute of video, that would be the most awesome thing I could imagine right now :)
That would be damn awesome. A screenshot or two about drum-programming would be nice. And if you even find the time to record a minute of video, that would be the most awesome thing I could imagine right now :)

I will try to get on it for you my friend, Im still in the process of installing all my plugs for PT9 but I should be able to find some time before I sleep
I really don't get the fuss about Pro Tools' MIDI editing.

At least I still haven't figured out a way to do stuff on a laptop keyboard. Something as basic as select and change/modify the midi notes, or change the current notes an octave up and down. I tried pressing all the normal keys on the keyboard and also the arrow keys with all the possible cmd/alt/ctrl/shift modifier key combinations and nothing happened. I only know how to do it with a mouse and that is SUPER SLOW for anything except selecting large group of notes, but since I usually edit only a few notes at a time, it's not a big time saver. When I tried to look it up from the manual, I found nothing.
At least I still haven't figured out a way to do stuff on a laptop keyboard. Something as basic as select and change/modify the midi notes, or change the current notes an octave up and down. I tried pressing all the normal keys on the keyboard and also the arrow keys with all the possible cmd/alt/ctrl/shift modifier key combinations and nothing happened. I only know how to do it with a mouse and that is SUPER SLOW for anything except selecting large group of notes, but since I usually edit only a few notes at a time, it's not a big time saver. When I tried to look it up from the manual, I found nothing.

Open up the event operations.

Realtime Properties functions are great to have too.