Considering the switch to Pro Tools 9

Yes,pro tools 9 fucking rule,now it's 10
It's the best DAW for me and im currently working my 3 serious jobs on them.
Cubase is also cool.
the result is the only thing that matters no matter which DAW,but pro tools really help
If you have a good workflow with Logic like you say you do then I'd stay with it.
Try to find out what is causing the errors. Also you should prolly give us more info on your setup.
Maybe your interface, how many tracks or virtual instruments you're running, how many tracks you're using flex time on, and how many markers you're moving around etc
Asking in the Logic Pro Forums wouldn't hurt either.
No streaming audio and no recording to an external drive. Recording straight to disk, 750gb free!

Maybe grab a new Firewire Hard Drive, 7,200 rpm MINIMUM and try running your sessions from that. I have ALWAYS had separate hard drives for recording and system software.
I never had the best of luck running a firewire drive and a firewire interface. My MacPro With A 2626 and 3 internal drives is solid as fuck... even if it is a 2008 model (oh the horror) Still do HUGE mixes with the CPU meter tickling 35%. rediculous! Gonna stick an ssd in it for the system drive and another 8 gig of Ram for a little extra juice.

This machine has got to last me!
No streaming audio and no recording to an external drive. Recording straight to disk, 750gb free!

If that's your system drive - bad idea. You need a dedicated drive - firewire, 7200rpm.

PT is great by the way. I've only ever used PT and Cubase and PT is better suited to my needs.