Logic Pro Certification

Feb 18, 2011
I was looking into to getting my logic pro certification and i knew a couple guys on here did it too, just wondering if you guys have any input on it. is it valuable stuff they're teaching or not so much?
So, having the "certified" title isn't really going to do you much? at least the education is good though
i did the 101/102/301 and soundtrack pro cert (in school) ...which makes me a "logic studio master" :lol:

but it really doesn't matter, i haven't used logic (practically) for a while.
Yeah ive dine the 101 in to 102 in the summer, worth it but, you can always just buy the book loads cheapier and work through it
I've got the first certification. I learned a bunch of cool stuff. I'd say do it if you use logic primarily, but don't expect to get a bunch of work because of the certification.
yeah logic is my primary DAW. It's hard to actually decide if its worth it though. I mean, if its not going to give me some sort of credentials I really don't see the point. I'm sure everything they teach is in the book anyways. Idk ill have to look into it more
i did the 101/102/301 and soundtrack pro cert (in school) ...which makes me a "logic studio master" :lol:

but it really doesn't matter, i haven't used logic (practically) for a while.

thats still cool the school offered that. I'm currently working towards getting my pro tools certification at school, I figured I would get both though. where did you go to school?
thats still cool the school offered that. I'm currently working towards getting my pro tools certification at school, I figured I would get both though. where did you go to school?

first i went to expression college for digital arts in emeryville, ca... and received all my pt & logic certs, console exercises (neve, ssl, trident, helios) and a BS in audio engineering. then i attended goldsmiths (in london) for two years for my master's in audio post production/art communication.

but i am now back in california finishing my behavioral psychology (aba, nasp - phd) degree.

i got about a year left of actual work to finish my phd.

ugh... school! = :ill:

what school are you attending?? ...(full sail, i presume)?
Wait Tim, you're doing a PhD while working full time? That's crazy!

not really... i work as an account manager/executive syndication rep and a lot of the work i do is through vpn... so if i need to work from home, i do.

many of my classmates are in their late 30's - 40's and have a full-on families/job/mortgage etc etc. (i can imagine how crazy it must be for them!)

it's all about research (at this point). it's not difficult if you pace yourself... plus, phdc study has been much less stressful with part time distance education.
I'm pretty sure that a psychology degree is probably the best certification a producer/engineer could possibly get.

a degree, is a degree ...it's really the only way to prove your discipline to a complete stranger.

better or worse, i value all of my studies equally.

edit: i understand what you are saying now ...psychology, in terms of the engineer's work environment?

in that case... :lol: that's a big 10-4.

understanding acoustics and wave propagation is one thing but overcoming ego is another.
Damn then you have quite the education lol.
what made you want to get a degree in behavioral psychology
after going through so much audio schooling?
and no definitely not full sail lol.
For one I cant afford paying off 42 grand after college, and two, some of my professors at my college used to teach at full sail and apparently most of the industry doesn't want these kids because they're not getting a correct eduction. basically cramming a bachelors degree in 2 years. But no I go to Valencia College practically right next to full sail haha