Pro Tools Certification


Jan 3, 2010
Yo, I was just wondering how many of you sneapsters have taken any of the pro tools certification exams? I will be taking my pro tools 110 certification exam next week at my college and I was just wondering if it is at all difficult. Also, does anyone actually care about a pro tools 110 certificate in the audio world?
It's easy.

And some do, some don't.
If you're any good at using PT then it's handy to have, as it backs up your claim.
If you put it on your CV and you're a bit rusty, then you'll like a tool.

Don't stress... ProTools is all about the types of systems and shortcuts. The more advanced courses are where you learn "interesting" stuff imo.
Had a feeling that was the case.. there seriously are a few people here who think they are about to go get a job in a pro studio after acquiring this insignificant piece of paper, kinda frustrating. I just have to get it out of the way for a course that is part of my curriculum, I don't even really like pro tools to begin with.
It's worth having if you can do it for free..

Also - there are only a few studios that I know of who are hiring ANYONE at the moment. Let alone those just out of school with a PT101 Cert.
Glad to see you've got your head screwed on!
I've got a PT201 certificate as I got the courses for free when I was at college. As has been said all it really acts as is evidence that you can work pro tools. It can be a bit of a tough exam as it's a 90% pass mark, you've really got to know your shortcuts once you get to 201 level.
101 and 110 tests were easy. The only difficult part was that I was using pt7 at home for a while and the test was written with 6.9 and a lot of things changed. We also cheated and had PT running at the same time to look things up when ever the teacher was gone HAHA.
Beyond that the tests are hard (or so I've heard)

Unless you want to teach certification courses it's not much use IMO.
the only people who care about whether you have certification or not are BIG NAME post production houses in places like LA. Some of them (like Todd AO), actually require it for all their staff.

However, I've never seen or heard of a recording studio that actually put really importance on having one. I'd probably get a 70% or less on the 200 test, but I bet dollars to doughnuts I can run circles around the guys who teach these courses.

Real world experience is far more important than being certified. However, it doesn't hurt to have it either.