Logic Pro X users: need some help

Old Man Doom

Dec 9, 2012
I'm about to make the switch from 9 to 10, and I've been doing some research about the differences. One thing has been bothering me: in most all screenshots of the interface and the arrange window, I notice that some of the regions, when side-by-side, do not have the borders that denote where the region begins and ends. They just look like they have rounded edges now, so a long line of regions (like a midi drum track) looks like a single region with rounded bits and no divisions.

What's up with that? I'm sure it's not a huge deal, but I'm just curious what it is.
are you sure thats not just when people are looping a region?

FWIW when I updated from 9 to X it was a bigger change than I was expecting - I was expecting it to be largely cosmetic but lots of things are in different places so it takes a little bit of getting used to. I will say the update is more than worth it, its a really killer piece of software for what it is. the most recent update added some amazing features too, probably the best update I've ever seen for logic.

that said, I wouldn't be surprised if version 11 is round the corner, apple's made a few acquisitions and some new garageband features have been leaked which suggests something might be round the corner for logic too.
Good to know, Machinated. This is what I'm talking about:

The dark green "lead" regions look funky to me. They don't have any borders like the other regions. I thought it was just a glitch at first, but I noticed the same style regions in many of the screenshots (both from apple and others users) that I research.