logic question

gabriel g.

Sep 7, 2006
hey logic-guys I´m doing two full length this summer.
I will start recording the first one next week.

I never did full length, I only did demos and ep´s so I recorded and mixed all tracks in ONE big project.

I think I´m getting into trouble with this method when I´m doing like 10-11 tracks.

So my question:

What is your best way to mix all songs the same way.
Do you copy the tracked song into the allready mixed project, or do you copy all channelstrips?????

The channelstrip idea is quit cool, but I tried it yesterday, the AUX sends wont copy...

Is there a way to save the whole mixer-setup (with effects, panning, aux, groups....)
So I could open the mixer preset in every individual porject?

you can copy and paste the whole mixer set up, but you have to make sure you have the same amount of tracks and routing which is a bit of a pain.

i find the best way is to track as similarly as you can between projects, then when you are mixing make a template project and copy over tempos and audio files etc to that.

once you get used to how it works, its pretty straightforward.
I did this in cubase but had always problems? I never found out why:) cubase.....:/

I´m going to write down all the settings so every project is going to have the same amount of tracks, and the routing will fit.

Where can I copy the mixer?
Will this also copy all AUX sends and busses?

thanks for the fast answer!!!!
I just save the project as the next song and clear all the automation settings i used in the previous song and keep all the channel strip settings
I´m feeling with you:)
Problem for me : in Germany logic 9 will be released in september (no fix date atm)
And the first full length will start next weekend. Second full length at the first day of september.
So in NO way I can run this baby in the near future:erk: