need help with logic 8 and SSD v3

gabriel g.

Sep 7, 2006
Hey dudes, I´m a proud owner of the steven slate drums platinum!!!
They sounding UNREAL GOOD:) But they dont mix themself so here is my problem.
I cant get the outputs of the SSD mixer to the aux busses I create in logic 8 (using multi-out)
So I realy cant find a solution here. I would be thankfull for any tips or if someone can post a Logic 8 project, with SSD NI player openend and routed to the different AUXes ?!?

A the last question:
In the mixer there are no different tom channels just Toms. Can I get them seperatily or just in this group?

and this kontakt 2 player is a CPU monster!!!!!!
But please help me with that. I tried the technic I used for dfh superior but didnt realy worked out.

I have the feeling like the NI kontakt 2 player is like this Rosetta emus for intel based macs
I do not own SSD, but i had to to the multiple-outputs thing with eZ Drummer a few days ago, so perhaps i can help:
After loading the multi-outs version of the instrument, you have to click on the small "+" in the mixer (on the instrument track).
Then klick and hold the I/O thing and select (in my case EZ Drummer) the virtual instrument. It should be called "Inst 1" and then there are the different outputs: "eZ Drummer 3-4", "eZ Drummer 5-6" and so on.

But i don't know how to configure the SSD programm itself :D

edit: Well, i just read your second post.. haha i don't think my post is any help to you know. Sorry xD