Lol @ 15 year old deathcore players on UG.


New Metal Member
Jul 5, 2008
So i've been mixing this kid's deathcore track.
The playing is probably some of the most apalling shit I've ever heard, but I've tried to edit a bunch of it and get it tighter, but there was only so much I could do haha.

But hey, here it is Final.mp3

Drums are AD
Kick and Snare replaced with samples from Behindert's sample pack.
Kick is the "exoduskagge" sample with some eq n shit
Snare is one of the "dry snare" ones gated to fuck, compressed, eq'd, sent out to reverbs n shit

Guitars are TSS, 7170 and ryans fredman impulses.
Very little post-processing. high pass low pass, 100hz surgical cut and a boost in the top end cos I don't like 7170's treble knob.

Bass is midi bass sampled with a thingy in fruityloops that the kid sent me.

Master is a fuck load of gClip and some other shit
Voxengo Elephant limiting at the end of the chain.

and here's the original track he sent me for those interested - Deceptions UNMASTERED.mp3
hey man, i like your guitars sound out of 7170.
maybe i´d put a more click kick drum. i think your actual kick doesn´t fit well in the mix (it´s my opinion).

could you put 7170 settings? and screenshoot about post-eq in your DAW?


settings as requested
Sounds good overall Gareth!
I would turn the tone up a bit (TSS) and maybe lower the gain just a tad (7170), the guitars are a little loud in the mix aswell.
The kick has a great character but it lacks lows!
Guitar tone is a bit digital I think, probly more from his shitty guitar than anythin you're doin though :/
Playing is terrible
That ride cymbal is..omg. Overall the drums sound REALLY programmed.
Guitar tone is a bit digital I think, probly more from his shitty guitar than anythin you're doin though :/
Playing is terrible
That ride cymbal is..omg. Overall the drums sound REALLY programmed.

ripped straight from a guitar pro file :headbang:
i purposefully didnt edit velocities
cos deathcore kids dont care about subtlety, as long as its all chuggachug.
and yeah i do hear the digitalness though.
i dont dig 7170 too much but i was feeling too fucking lazy to try and dial in anything really intense.
Listening to the original at the mo, gonna fire up your mix once this is finished raping my ears!
Jesus, that sample in the middle came outta nowhere "Such my cock or I'll murder your family!" :lol:

EDIT: :lol: I prefer your sample - "Shut up and sit down you big bald fuck!"
God damn the amount of this shit we've had to record! At least with this you only had programmed drums to deal with. We always have to record the real thing. Last band we had in treated us to such heart-warming comments as "How many cymbals do you use in practice?", "Not sure, 3 I think".

It amazes me that these kids always try to play way beyond their skill level and yet have almost no ability to QC their own output. We'll listen back to a take that has drums missing beats and drifting in time constantly, bass that almost uniformly misses the beat on every not and guitars laden with fret noise and lousy rhythm and they'l all be just "YEAH! That was sic! Next track!".

That and the constant attempts by EVERY band member to play sweeps in the control room.
God damn the amount of this shit we've had to record! At least with this you only had programmed drums to deal with. We always have to record the real thing. Last band we had in treated us to such heart-warming comments as "How many cymbals do you use in practice?", "Not sure, 3 I think".

It amazes me that these kids always try to play way beyond their skill level and yet have almost no ability to QC their own output. We'll listen back to a take that has drums missing beats and drifting in time constantly, bass that almost uniformly misses the beat on every not and guitars laden with fret noise and lousy rhythm and they'l all be just "YEAH! That was sic! Next track!".

That and the constant attempts by EVERY band member to play sweeps in the control room.

and that is why i dropped out of my music course at college
i felt ashamed to be surrounded with kids just like that


And fade, he used Amplitube 2 on his original track (i got pictures of his settings and all.. good lord,) but I got nicely balanced sounding DI's (despite the shitty playing) cos the kid has a Focusrite Saffire Pro.
Honestly I don't think the arrangement is the worst I've heard although the main riff could be fancied up a little.. right now it's a bit generic.

The intro has a cool little atmosphere to it. The playing certainly isn't the tightest although I can't open the original submission from work for some reason. Towards the end you get tired of the song entirely.

Something like this would need the vocals to have a killer hook and it would change the whole landscape of the song.

Is the kid really 15? If so he should be encouraged to continue and improve and not slammed for the attempt most 15 year olds couldn't put forth.

I know my attention span at 15 wouldn't have lasted the 4 minutes to record this.
we've all been there
and we've all been laid into at 15 years old cos our first songs sucked
those of us that put up with the shit and carried on writing despite everyone hating our awful attempts at writing music are the ones that have gone on to write half decent shit
its a rite of passage haha.
Honestly I don't think the arrangement is the worst I've heard although the main riff could be fancied up a little.. right now it's a bit generic.

The intro has a cool little atmosphere to it. The playing certainly isn't the tightest although I can't open the original submission from work for some reason. Towards the end you get tired of the song entirely.

Something like this would need the vocals to have a killer hook and it would change the whole landscape of the song.

Is the kid really 15? If so he should be encouraged to continue and improve and not slammed for the attempt most 15 year olds couldn't put forth.

I know my attention span at 15 wouldn't have lasted the 4 minutes to record this.
Yea, this is my thinking too.
I gotta give the kid some props thats pretty good for being 15.
Even the original mix is tolerable. I remember when i was 15 we used a single computer mic in the center of the room and recorded into cooledit haha o_O