V veronicafalls Member Mar 26, 2009 158 0 16 Puyallup, Washington Oct 29, 2009 #41 this is awesome... I love the vox especially.
J JonWormwood Member Jun 16, 2007 3,885 0 36 Jax, Fl Nov 3, 2009 #42 fuck my ass that bass is killer.
GarethSE New Metal Member Jul 5, 2008 7,595 1 0 34 Nov 3, 2009 #43 haha, TOPIC REVIVAL i love that bass tone, how the fuck did i do that
lolzgreg Cereal Shipping Sneapster Dec 17, 2008 4,281 0 36 Long Beach, New York Nov 3, 2009 #44 Why haven't you uploaded a mix with me reamps, Gareth?!? Also, that Arctopus album is the shit on your avatar, son.
Why haven't you uploaded a mix with me reamps, Gareth?!? Also, that Arctopus album is the shit on your avatar, son.
jet_dry Member Aug 5, 2008 122 0 16 Northern Ontario, Canada Nov 3, 2009 #45 This... rules.... beyond words.
GarethSE New Metal Member Jul 5, 2008 7,595 1 0 34 Nov 3, 2009 #46 lolzgreg said: Why haven't you uploaded a mix with me reamps, Gareth?!? Also, that Arctopus album is the shit on your avatar, son. Click to expand... im not actually sure. i need to get the link for the mastered version off ermz again.
lolzgreg said: Why haven't you uploaded a mix with me reamps, Gareth?!? Also, that Arctopus album is the shit on your avatar, son. Click to expand... im not actually sure. i need to get the link for the mastered version off ermz again.
lolzgreg Cereal Shipping Sneapster Dec 17, 2008 4,281 0 36 Long Beach, New York Nov 3, 2009 #47 LOLOLOL
GarethSE New Metal Member Jul 5, 2008 7,595 1 0 34 Nov 13, 2009 #48 Thought I'd put some stems up because people seem to dig this mix. Vocal Stem: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/631208/Vocal Stem.mp3 Bass Stem: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/631208/Bass Stem.mp3 Drums and Guitars coming later if people want them. Also mastered version with Greg's re-amp coming later today! \m/ finally haha
Thought I'd put some stems up because people seem to dig this mix. Vocal Stem: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/631208/Vocal Stem.mp3 Bass Stem: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/631208/Bass Stem.mp3 Drums and Guitars coming later if people want them. Also mastered version with Greg's re-amp coming later today! \m/ finally haha
tagradh Active Member May 13, 2007 4,102 304 83 trough Nov 13, 2009 #49 That bass tone is so sexy. The production on the clean vocals is great but the vocals themselves are horrid, I guess that's the case for the original so high five.
That bass tone is so sexy. The production on the clean vocals is great but the vocals themselves are horrid, I guess that's the case for the original so high five.
M muckypup1 Sinister Haven \m/ Jul 13, 2009 3,154 1 36 31 UK, Islington Nov 13, 2009 #51 Hey dude, I never knew you could roar like that! Its an awesome song and that bass sound is just so fucking good! I don't know what it is about that bass tone but I really like it man!
Hey dude, I never knew you could roar like that! Its an awesome song and that bass sound is just so fucking good! I don't know what it is about that bass tone but I really like it man!