"Cleansed" - Technical Death - Vocals (5150 w/ cab, S2.0, AD, Warp)

Sounds good guys! Music is a bit too breakdowny/techy for me, but the mix sounds bitchin' - a couple of things though, the guitars feel pretty wooly (yes yes, I know I always say that, but I do mean it) so things are a bit stuffy in the mids. Terrifying vocals Gareth, A+ job! They're a bit dry though IMO, could use a bit more verb (or delay, which I personally prefer). Also, the snare is a bit boxy sounding IMO, which combined with the guitars contributes to the stuffy/wooly overall feeling. It cuts through great, it just needs a bit less tub IMO. A little more attack on the kick would be nice too, but I'd say that does it for my complaints, so A+!

Oh, except for the bass though; I can't really hear it at all separated from the guitars, probably due to the latter's excessive (IMO) wooly mids. And I gotta be honest, the novelty of glitch is wearing off pretty fast IMO ;) Oh yeah, and you could really use some more delay on those harmonized lead guitar parts as well IMO!
I think a thicker than average lower mids, or wool or whatever you wanna call it, fits this kind of music. I don't find it ill sounding to be honest.

Well stylistically the closest thing I have on my computer is JFaC's "Genesis," and IMO that's a lot clearer in the lower mids (thank you Recto cab :D)
You don't even want to know what mic I used for this..
It was like 3 attempts.

Scratch vocals were SM57 on a stand, no pop shield.
First attempt at final vocals were SM57 on a stand, no pop shield but it didn't sound quite so agressive. So I did like 3/4 of the song and ended up scrapping it and re-doing it all, holding the SM57 in my hand, cans on, and holding the mic so that the very bottom of the capsule was covered. Like where the plastic capsule meets the metal body. For fucking serious.

The raw files are horrible, it sounds like you'd imagine. But heavy comp and I'm assuming some EQ on Jonas' part and that shit sounds awesome in the mix. I'm considering recording vocals like this again tbh. I think that shit sounds awesome in the mix.

EDIT: plus on the final round, I just decided to be like "fuck technique" and just went for it. Before, I was going for a lower, more JFAC-y, deathy but shouty kinda vocal. But it just didn't sound fucking ANGRY enough. So I went for more mid range and shrieky shit.
And Marcus, "terrifying" is quite possibly the biggest compliment I've ever recieved, so cheers :D
Fuck listening again for like the 900th time today, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the guitar sound on this and I think the snare is amazing... My only complaint is the fast fills sound a bit fake like other people have said, but the actual sound of each instrument works perfectly, just a bit of roboticness going on in the tom and snare fills. This blew my head off my shoulders man, easily my fave mix posted on the board ever.
Fuck listening again for like the 900th time today, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the guitar sound on this and I think the snare is amazing... My only complaint is the fast fills sound a bit fake like other people have said, but the actual sound of each instrument works perfectly, just a bit of roboticness going on in the tom and snare fills. This blew my head off my shoulders man, easily my fave mix posted on the board ever.

+1. Basically summed up what I would say.
To be hones if you decide to record an album - i'll be first to listen to it!!
Is there possibility to see all vst etc. od mastering or mix?
The guitar tone and production are amazing allthough it would be cool to hear more of the stutering and that in more then just the begining of the tune.

the weak point in my eyes is definitely the snare drum. The kick in my eyes needs a bit more poofy ness to it ala black dahlia murder .. other then that this is down right awesome great job!
There should be a difference in volume between the stuttered intro and where the vocals start to make the impact greater

also if you were in the us id do about anything to be in your band!!
Thanks guise!
Note that this is not the final mix, I will make more tweaks later on. I got "blind" from mixing it that I didnt noticed a few things that you've pointed out, I've also noticed a few things myself. :)
Maybe more songs will come out, thats where I will do changes in the mix(es).
And Marcus; I will look into that woolyness for serious. :goggly:
Update! :kickass:

Okay dudes, I've done an update on the mix, fixed kick, made everything a bit wetter.
Did some things with 400hz (Marcus! :dopey:) and some more stuffs.

Link: here and in the first post.

Bettah? :)