Death Metal/Douchebag-core Billie Jean Cover (5150 mkII, S2.0, my br00tal vox)

Fucking sick dude! I really like your vocals a LOT! I'm going to have to hit you up when I write some new G.O.R. shit bro! (If that ever happens, lol).

good mix, but the drums dont sound natural in anyway. more like a machine gun.
sounds like sequenced drums
^ +1 to that.

So Gareth - can you explain your bass technique a little more. Did you take the DI and simply copy it to 3 other tracks, and EQ / Compress / add effects to each one individually? Pretty interested because this is one of the better bass tones I've heard recently.

Can you share more detail? This was really fucking awesome man!
Never saw this yesterday!

Gareth man, vox as usual sound sick, you sound like some massive 250lb Ukranian bodybuilder hitting the weights with those gutterals. And of course I mean that in the nicest possible way! :D

Mix is sick too, drums don't sound that real as aforementioned, but fuck it, it fits.
hokay, bass

so what i did this time was split it into 4 distinct tracks


the subbass and midbass tracks were eq'd and compressed, no cab simulation on these
sub-bass was low-passed reaaally fucking low, just trying to get subby rumble and nothing else, compressed the living fuck out of it so it was literally dynamicless then moved onto the midbass track

midbass i wanted to be a bit more dynamic, so less compression, and i high passed it as well, so that track was centered around 100-250hz or so.

twang track was uhh... i think either TSS with the drive turned up a bit or TSS->7170 with really really low gain, like 1 or 2 on the gain knob.
then if i remember rightly i used ryans fredman impulses on that
plus a high-pass of course

for the distortion track it was 7170 with a fair amount of gain, like 4 or 5 on the gain knob, high pass, a bit of eq.

sent all of them to a group track, added big fuckoff 1khz boost to bring out the growl (which id never usually do but it worked here) and a boost around 4-5khz as well if i remember rightly, plus a little boost between 60hz-120hz.
finally a little bit of compression to glue it all together.

cheers for the compliments guys :D
re-reamped version with gits done by greg are coming soon and ermz may well end up doing a quick master of this through the CLA compressor demos
wow ;p this sounds great, bass is sick, how high you highpass guitars is there any low end in them, or all is from those bass tracks?

high-passed fairly high. ive been really thinning out my guitar tracks recently to make more room for epic fucking bass tones. i do tend to dial in a lot of bass with my guitar tones though to make up for the high-passing.
Fuck, you must do vox for me one day if I never get around to learning how to growl.
Sounds absolutely wicked bro.
Sounds great, great voice man, especially the clean vocs, they sound amazing!

Vocs could need some de-essing though, they are cutting a bit too much in an unpleasant way imo.
hokay, bass

so what i did this time was split it into 4 distinct tracks


the subbass and midbass tracks were eq'd and compressed, no cab simulation on these
sub-bass was low-passed reaaally fucking low, just trying to get subby rumble and nothing else, compressed the living fuck out of it so it was literally dynamicless then moved onto the midbass track

midbass i wanted to be a bit more dynamic, so less compression, and i high passed it as well, so that track was centered around 100-250hz or so.

twang track was uhh... i think either TSS with the drive turned up a bit or TSS->7170 with really really low gain, like 1 or 2 on the gain knob.
then if i remember rightly i used ryans fredman impulses on that
plus a high-pass of course

for the distortion track it was 7170 with a fair amount of gain, like 4 or 5 on the gain knob, high pass, a bit of eq.

sent all of them to a group track, added big fuckoff 1khz boost to bring out the growl (which id never usually do but it worked here) and a boost around 4-5khz as well if i remember rightly, plus a little boost between 60hz-120hz.
finally a little bit of compression to glue it all together.

cheers for the compliments guys :D
re-reamped version with gits done by greg are coming soon and ermz may well end up doing a quick master of this through the CLA compressor demos

Great info here...thanks!!!