lol--> "Hello I am new help me with ____"

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
Hello I am new I have a few posts but I have been lerking here for a while. Although truthfully, no I have not because I would know the dynamics of this board if I had. I was wondering what TS I need. Also how to I replace drums? Oh and if you could do me a favor and give me some ideas on what to do in reguards to recording drums that would be great, and guitar that would be great as well. (edit) Oh and also what's an impulse and where can I get one!

No I will not pose my questions in any detail. That is work, I don't want to do the work just answer my question!!!!

No I honestly don't have time to read through anything. Also FAQs and the how to record drums as well as the TS thread is to long and I am way to lazy to read any of that.

I have never heard of google at all, that shit is to complicated. Oh and don't tell me to use it either, I will get pissed and call you immature etc...

Thanks for you time.

Also, you're not reading anything long because you're dysdlrkhexic and informative articles raped your mother. Further, although you want to sound better you won't listen to people when they tell you the stock RG321 into your POD -3.5 with the mids asymptotically approaching negative infinity is just going to be an ass sandwich, and triggers are bad because they make everyone sound like Niels Purt, who's overrated anyway.

A big problem is people not reading the FAQs that are already there. If they get ignored so often, why the fuck am I writing them in the first place? It's not to get the chicks or rake in the big bucks, that's for fucking sure.


I'm in the middle of writing a pretty good samples/drum replacement FAQ/sticky and I'm almost reconsidering spending my time on it. Then would be nice to have one to point to.

A big problem is people not reading the FAQs that are already there. If they get ignored so often, why the fuck am I writing them in the first place? It's not to get the chicks or rake in the big bucks, that's for fucking sure.


Maybe catch their attention another way?

Name the FAQ/Sticky "Free nude pics for new members here! Incredible, take a look here first! Come and get them before it's too late! And if you're gay, Ryan Reynolds is in here too!"

Or just "How to sound EXACTLY like Andy Sneap!"

That'll catch 'em :) Once they clicked blast 'em with facts! Muahahaha!
Hahahahaa, I feel bad, cuz some n00bs are really friendly and supportive of the place while asking their asinine questions - but christ this thread is hysterical. :lol:
Seriously though, I am tracking through my line 6 spider with the gain on full and a fender strat copy, but it sounds really shit. I took the line out and plugged it into my pc soundcard, but it doesn't sound good. I'm not turning the gain down though, because I can't play it that low, and I'm not getting a new amp because my spider sounds way better than a 5150, even an uberschall. My guitar is really good, and I'm not changing pickups because the stock ones are way better than EMG's. Can you help?

Having said that, I am a noob to this forum :kickass:

Joe :headbang:
Seriously though, I am tracking through my line 6 spider with the gain on full and a fender strat copy, but it sounds really shit. I took the line out and plugged it into my pc soundcard, but it doesn't sound good. I'm not turning the gain down though, because I can't play it that low, and I'm not getting a new amp because my spider sounds way better than a 5150, even an uberschall. My guitar is really good, and I'm not changing pickups because the stock ones are way better than EMG's. Can you help?

Having said that, I am a noob to this forum :kickass:

Joe :headbang:

What you need to do is spend four gazillion dollars on a tube ribbon mic made in Eastern Buttfuckistan from 1972 to 1968 (unfortunately, they went out of business then - they couldn't even afford to go forward in time, poor blokes, but they were geniuses) and then use that to mic the tone knob on your guitar - so you can get the tone, durm... and then pirate the Waves plugs so you can put Andy's C4 settings on everything and sound just like him.

Oh, and BFD is better than DFH, Slate's samples, and Paul Bostaph put together.

What you need to do is spend four gazillion dollars on a tube ribbon mic made in Eastern Buttfuckistan from 1972 to 1968 (unfortunately, they went out of business then - they couldn't even afford to go forward in time, poor blokes, but they were geniuses) and then use that to mic the tone knob on your guitar - so you can get the tone, durm... and then pirate the Waves plugs so you can put Andy's C4 settings on everything and sound just like him.

Hahahahahahaha, love it dude
What you need to do is spend four gazillion dollars on a tube ribbon mic made in Eastern Buttfuckistan from 1972 to 1968 (unfortunately, they went out of business then - they couldn't even afford to go forward in time, poor blokes, but they were geniuses) and then use that to mic the tone knob on your guitar

All the best mics are from Buttfuckistan, dontchaknow...
Greetings from Buttfuckistan.

All your impulse are now belong to us! :Smug:

We will steal your women, drink your beer and rape your dogs.

PS: You have been warned. :lol: