Tonal characteristics between a TS-9 and a TS-808?

Andy Sneap said:
the stock TS9 works fine for me, I have 2, one which is just destroyed from years of use and another I bought three or four years ago. I also have the maxon 820 which to me is the closest thing I've heard to the original TS. I did a test last year with the Ibanez 808 reissue and the maxon against an original, and the maxon won. All this is very slight though, if you trying to acheive what I've been mentioning all along, a tighter low end, touch of compression, then the TS9 works fine, to me the 808 and 820 both have a sweeter mid range and a tiny bit more openess, which once you get someone going AAARGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH over the top, you'll never notice.
Just try like I've said before, dial your tone in with just the amp, no pedal, then add the TS with drive at 9 oclock, tone and level at 12 oclock then tweek from there.

Thanks a lot Andy for you kind and precise answer!

I was just wondering because there has been several attempts to remake the originally Tubescreamer from different brands over the years.

Thanks again!
