ENGL FB and TS-9

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Man, now I can't wait to get my Savage back from the shop and try it with the new tubes.

Sick, sick, SICK riffing and tone. Why the hell do you want to buy a 5150 if you can sound like that!??!?!?!

Much respect, Charlie!
Funny every question i had has already been asked and answered:kickass:

Yea thanks for showing just the guitar tone Ive been curios how it sounded out of the mix.

Great job though! I always get pumped to hear that dam fireball just killing it:rock:
thanks dudes..

ummm, kick sample is a mix between monster + andy's kick, good ear on that one Moonie.

I really just want a 5150 for re-amping options and because it was my first real amp and I'd love to get one again to see what kind of tones I could cop from it. It does a cool grindy thing that the FB doesn't quite get..

And as far as how I said it's my playing, I didn't mean in a like, 'Im teh win' kind of way, because I know I'm nothing super special on guitar, but I mean in the physical, WAY that I play the instrument. My technique, I guess.

And yes, what I posted was all I used on the guitars, only thing I didn't post was the C4 setting because it's kind of redundant. Only thing I'm doing to them is EQ, nothing else..

Overheads and Rooms just have a high-shelf with Nuendo's built-in EQ and the rooms have C1 on 'em.. Important thing for me is to make SURE that I turn the "Comp Mix" slider in EZ's mixer down all the way. That just kills the entire set for me. It's cool they built-in an easy way to do parallel compression but I'd much rather do that all myself.

Dude, I LOVE your Faderhead stuff, it's fucking great. I also REALLY dig your kick samples, probably one of the best kick samples that I have in my collection.. :rock:

Thanks again for the comments dudes,
its great!!! as i said before and as allways!

just one question - how your doing that blowing-out bass shit??? on 1:11???