ENGL FB and TS-9


Oct 21, 2005
Southwest Florida, USA
Alright, so I found this old tape of riffs from a couple years back and thought it might be cool to re-do some of them on the ole' DAW.

I also ended up using the TS-9 for the guitars because I finally got it to 'work' for me the right way, I love it now. This clip is the result of a few hours work tracking/mixing..


Same setup I've always had for guitars, Schecter w/Passives > TS-9 > ENGL Fireball > 1960a > 57 > RME Fireface.

Ghetto-Bass, ala pitch-shifting guitar.

Drums are EZ/DFH w/Kick sample replaced.

So that's it, it's still rough around the edges but I just did it for fun really and to see what kind of tone I could capture w/the TS-9 in front.

Don't mind the fact that you can hear click bleed in the last riff, lol.
Sounds great as per usual! The guitars sound great.

Not too fond of that hi-hat, but everything else is great. How much gain are you using on the Fireball? I just did some more PB clips today at louder volume, so if I get a chance to mix it, would love to compare the two.

Keep up the great work!
Sounds great as per usual! The guitars sound great.

Not too fond of that hi-hat, but everything else is great. How much gain are you using on the Fireball? I just did some more PB clips today at louder volume, so if I get a chance to mix it, would love to compare the two.

Keep up the great work!

Cheers dude, thanks!

It looks like I've got the gain at about 9 o'clock and I only had the master volume on 1 (out of 10) this time around (morning recording..) Yeah, the hi-hat bugs me now, but I'm trying the whole 'don't obsess over everything and end up sterilizing my creativity' thing, lol.

BTW, I really dig your band. If you ever want some outside mixing done, I'd love to. :)
Damn, I really like that guitar sound, it sounds to me like a mix between Morbid Angel's Gateways sound and a bit Meshuggah (whats the tuning?).
Really difficult when you have to decide if you wanna buy a 5150 or an Engl FB, damn, hard decision.
That sounds kick ass! I like the thickness of the guitars and how well they cut.
What way do you go about recording the pitch-shifted guitar? Everytime I try it the sound is crap so I just leave it out.
Those guitars sound crushing! :kickass: We just recorded a band who had a FB with a marshall cab with classic lead elements and it didn't turn out as good. It came out ok, but not as good as yours. They didn't tune that low though. Next time we're recording a FB I'll have to ask you for tips.
I really believe, as OzNimbus pointed out in his thread, that it's all in how you play it. I've re-amped through the same setup, mic positioning, settings, etc with special attention to the proper gain scheduling and the tone is totally different, not a little, totally. Different guitars and pickups I know, but I've had people play through my setup with my guitar and it just sounds a mess...

BTW, if anyone is wondering what plugs I've got on the guitars, it's the URS A10 and C4.

For pitch-shifted ghetto-bass, all I do is switch to the clean channel (leaving the TS-9 on) and put my 3-way pickup selector to the middle and just do the bass lines. Pitch-shifted in Nuendo with the MPEX algorithm on "3" I believe.

Thanks dudes...
CJwall has THEE sickest guitar on this forum!

as always Charlie, too short man... ;) i need more of this good stuff, it sounds great...
Charlie, AWESOME GUITAR TONE!!!!! as usual. Gain on 9'oclock, your pot wired backwards?:lol: Your songs have a weird unsettling sound that just sounds so unique with all that distracting background stuff going on. Any chance of posting just the rhythm guitars, it would be nice/interesting/insightful/educational to hear what your guitar tracks sound like without the rest of the mix.

Oh yeah, what Bob said.
Charlie, AWESOME GUITAR TONE!!!!! as usual. Gain on 9'oclock, your pot wired backwards?:lol: Your songs have a weird unsettling sound that just sounds so unique with all that distracting background stuff going on. Any chance of posting just the rhythm guitars, it would be nice/interesting/insightful/educational to hear what your guitar tracks sound like without the rest of the mix.

Oh yeah, what Bob said.

Thanks alot dude, that's the kind of stuff that makes me want to make more music, as long as they invoke some kind of emotion, then awesome.

hmmm.. Okay, here is a short short clip of one of the guitar tracks. As I said, master volume was on one, and even though the cab was across the room, my back was turned to it AND the mic was pointing AWAY from me (toward the back of the room) I'm still hearing some pick/string noise from my playing, haha. Damn.


You can really hear the TS-9s effect on the pick attack, making it cut alot more.

Hope it helps,
Thanks for that Charlie. The riff starting at 27 seconds is what I am talking about, nice eerie sound, awesome!. That's one damn heavy and aggressive tone there!!! I think the GT12-75 really helps give it the nice raspy tone. I am seriously wishing I had got 1 1960A and 1 1960 BV (so I had the option) instead of the Mesa. Would have around the same cost as well. The V30's don't seem to have the high-end sizzle that I am after with this Revolution.

If you would care to share, how much EQ and what kind of frequencies do you normally (I know what is normally, but ballpark, eg, like Colin Richardson suggested general frequencies he tends to boost, etc...) do you play around with on your rhythm tracks. Also are you using the TS as more of a clean boost with low drive or more OD setting. Settings?

I know I am asking for alot of info, but it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for any of it you would care to share.
Thanks dudes.. Well, instead of trying to explain, here's the EQ I used on the guitars for this particular mix. I tend to use the A10 alot on guitars because I like how it sounds AND I also like the idea of fixed bands for certain things and just trying to make it work. In these days of the DAW one can go crazy fiddling with .1 db of cuts and boosts at 1hz intervals. I'm guilty but jesus, it's crazy!!

Thanks for that.:kickass: Wow, only such subtle changes. I suppose it helps alot to get the right tone before EQ'ing. I seem to struggle with this. I understand that I have to do it, just can't seem to pull it off.:zombie: :lol:
how do you eq the overhead/hats with ez to sound that frickin good man?
i'd really love to know. do you use some sort of stereo enhancer ?
plus the tone is outofthisplanet, you sure you're not doing something else to it
than eqing? my pball/1960 didn't sound like this at all, and if you say its your
playing - do you use some kind of electric shocker as a pick ?