lol--> "Hello I am new help me with ____"

Aw man I tried searching for the thread but the search page said it was an invalid username :\ Was he banned or something?

Funny, when I want to find something I use the search function, and when I can't find it myself, then I ask if anyone can help. Wasn't too difficult either...


EDIT: It's spelled Syx, instead of six. Again, found that out by using the search function. WOW! It's revolutionary!
Horus....dude you can sift through all the threads where I've replied to newbs, there's probably over 300 of them by now, and see that I have no problem with new people asking questions. But what you will also find in those threads is the person asking the question being very specific and you can tell he's done some research but didn't quite find exactly what he was trying to figure out. That's perfectly cool with me.

So how...exactly...and if you don't mind me asking, do you make babies?
I just gotta say I love all you guys (like in the non-gay sorta way!). This is another great example why I come to this forum for not only awesome info but for the shear entertainment! :loco:
So how...exactly...and if you don't mind me asking, do you make babies?


1 Man
1 Woman
1 Supply of Love
2 Cups of Sensibility
1 Supply of “Adequate income”
1 Dash of Daring (NO MORE, NO LESS)
Willingness to Marry (optional, or substitute a shotgun)

Take the man and the woman, and hook up the supply of love and the adequate income. Disperse the Sensibility and daring evenly throughout. Slowly simmer for some time (refer to Sixth-Grade film for details), and voila! A Baby!
You forgot to recommend using oven mitts to handle your wife during the 9 months of hormone-induced insanity between conception and birth :lol:

1 Man
1 Woman
1 Supply of Love
2 Cups of Sensibility
1 Supply of “Adequate income”
1 Dash of Daring (NO MORE, NO LESS)
Willingness to Marry (optional, or substitute a shotgun)

Take the man and the woman, and hook up the supply of love and the adequate income. Disperse the Sensibility and daring evenly throughout. Slowly simmer for some time (refer to Sixth-Grade film for details), and voila! A Baby!

Thanks. It's a weight off my mind. Tried searching but only came up with embarrassing stains.

Is there any particular brand of love that will work better than another?
LOL That was the thread of all threads on this forum. :lol:

...My tone sucks because I bought a XXX, not knowing anything about them, only what I've heard people say. I already know more than you and I'm not willing to listen to your advice. And I already know nothing beats the sound of a 5150, but since I'm spoiled and I've got money to blow, I bought this other amp instead, and now I just want to whine and bitch about it and insult everyone that tries to offer me help and constructive criticism...

One of the best threads of all time.
AH, my sweet bitch!

I believe the thread was called "Hi, I'm an idiot."