
admittedly, this guy's guitar tone is pretty sick
boring as hell song though

and lol @ that jeff.
the best thing i ever saw was on HCAF
some guy posting up some "tone tests"
had like mega expensive tube mic preamps, expensive converters, boutique amps, the works
i clicked on the clip, listened to a second of it and burst out laughing
its one of the worst tones ive ever heard, sounded like it was miced with the mic pointing at the very VERY edge of the speaker like 10 inches back. a muddy, flubby, muffled, scooped mess of a tone and he was like "IM STILL HAVING SOME TROUBLE GETTING THE CLARITY I WANT" and i think it was like a splawn nitro through a mesa 4x12 or something. and if i remember rightly there was a clip of SM57, e609 and a clip of them blended, but dont take my word for it.
and this guy runs like a "pro" studio and i was just thinking "fuck me, how is this guy even getting any work?" haha
its the single funniest thing ive ever seen on any forum and people were like "DOOD HOW DID U GET THIS TONE OMG ITS SO GOOD"
on the off chance that my bud still has the link (its really, REALLY unlikely though) ill post it haha

I would be very...very interested to hear this Gareth ol' chum :D
They are in on my G5 at home, I'll try to remember to PM them to you.

Funny shit though, seriously. users say the sky is orange, Jeff tells them it's actually blue, they get defensive and angry and ban him. But replace the sky with recording/guitar gear talk. One of the main people involved with that discussion is a moderator there, go figure the ban. I guess because he was being revealed to the masses, as it were, that he was a moron and was full of shit he banned Jeff.
I post there and read it, but far less nowadays than I used to. And yes, the recording section is a joke, don't go there if you want any decent advice. I only sometimes check if there's any threads started by people I know are cool. The most annoying people there (and they're plenty) are the ones that think they're the shit and know the truth about everything, so they diss everything with bullshit accusations that are not true at all; DSS3's case is a good example (though I didn't see the original thread).

And I have to admit, I do like djent, but the amount of totally unoriginal "djenters" there is too much for me.
the chances of that link still banging about are so slim it hurts marcus, but i will ask eric if he keeps msn chat logs, and if he does i will get him to hunt that shit down.