London Gig!!!

El Diablo Fantastico

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Mar 15, 2005
Herts, England
'Twas fucking awesome I tell you! The support bands were pretty cool, but Nevermore totaly slayed!! Good mix of the old school stuff in with the new material... Seriously cool :rock:

Setlist I believe was as follows:

Intro: Precognition

Acid Words
This Sacrament
River Dragon
Beyond Within
Never Purify
The Seven Tongues of God
Sentient 6
Sound of Silence
The Heart Collector

Interlude: Noumenon

Final Product
Enemies of Reality
It was fucking amazing. Even without Steve they rocked the whole fucking (albiet a bit small) venue. Not sure if Jeff appreciated having his hair... abused though, which my friend and I made a point of doing whenever he got close... and Warrel's introduction to Final Product was quite amusing; "Yes, we have officially sold the fuck out. Live with it."

Anyway, yeah, brilliant show. Nevermore were already my favourite band but now I love them even more.
i was there right up front in front of jeff, too. were you the guy who looked at me when that fucking kid with the camera pushed his way up front and acted all tough? i wanted someone to punch that guy in the fucking head.

amaizng gig though. jeff's sound was huge and he played with a lot of intensity as usual. warrel sounded great as well.
Uhm, I'm not sure. I was the tall guy with long red hair. Loads of people were pushing past to get photos though so I can't remember anything specifically.
Devy_Metal said:
i was there right up front in front of jeff, too. were you the guy who looked at me when that fucking kid with the camera pushed his way up front and acted all tough? i wanted someone to punch that guy in the fucking head.

amaizng gig though. jeff's sound was huge and he played with a lot of intensity as usual. warrel sounded great as well.

HAHAHA!Watching the gig right in a front,complain about people pushing.
Amazing gig.

All credit to Jeff, and the rest of the band played too good, awesome.

Hope Steve is alright, and the other guys for that matter.
I managed to get out of work and go at that show and I will write a full review when I get back in quebec... But I ll say this: I was right up front with my camera and I actually got up on the stage while nevermore were playing (kneeling of course) and I just want to say a big fuck you to that asshole who was body surfing and destroyed my back ... Fuck you bastard! I m fucking walking around with a cane right now you ass-faced-fuck... and I dont care if you ARE reading this... fuck you still! couldnt you tell people didnt care about you when they let you fall to the ground during Dew scented set^? after that incident I actually had to fight my way through to get in the back of the room...

Nevermore ruled and I met some of the nicest people too... anyways... Ill write a full review on my website shortly...

for now:


NB said:
HAHAHA!Watching the gig right in a front,complain about people pushing.

i wasnt complaining and the kid didnt even touch me. he pushed a girl almost to the floor just to get two pictures. now can you see why he deserved to be punched? know what, now that i think about it, i want to punch you in the fucking head, too. come here.

I was the guy you were talking to before the show in the front row. American, black hair, tall....I was with that Italian chick then, and we hung out after the show, gave me your email, remember? haha man if i had known that was you i would have said I was Devy! hope you made it back to quebec safely!
Devy_Metal said:
i wasnt complaining and the kid didnt even touch me. he pushed a girl almost to the floor just to get two pictures. now can you see why he deserved to be punched? know what, now that i think about it, i want to punch you in the fucking head, too. come here.

That<s so damn cool that we hung out!!!

If you didn<t recognize me then it means only one thing... My beard is growing way too big!!!

As for getting back... Im in the midlands right now... still working on those trains with ahem... altered mobility ...
But hey... some people at shows are jerks...
Devy_Metal said:
i was there right up front in front of jeff, too. were you the guy who looked at me when that fucking kid with the camera pushed his way up front and acted all tough? i wanted someone to punch that guy in the fucking head.

amaizng gig though. jeff's sound was huge and he played with a lot of intensity as usual. warrel sounded great as well.

i hope i wasnt that kid... i was near the front and as soon as they started playing born i was pushed to the front and was in pain (my leg against the stage, and being pushed down, and not being able to even stand straight because there was no monitor for me to lean on) so i ended up just sitting on the front of the stage for the rest of the gig. :p i felt really guilty for being so comfortable. and from there i naturally got a great view and some awesome pics. i'll post some when i figure out how.
i'm starting to think... i probably was that kid. oopsie. how exactly did i piss you off? (if it was me)
Larf03 said:
Nevermore ruled and I met some of the nicest people too... anyways... Ill write a full review on my website shortly...

Hey Frederic, we met you just before the gig started. Really cool photos! Sorry to hear about your injury, talk about suffering for your art. Johan hung a lot further back for his photos! Here's our review and photos...