London Marquis


Brother of Metal
Nov 22, 2005
Northampton, England
How did everyone find it?

I though it was great! Sam Totman making a hilarious appearance was great too!
Enjoyable night, thanks guys. Did leave after Power Quest though so I didn't see if the other bands were any good.
Haha - I left after PQ too; had Uni in the morning! I got a bunch of great photos and a few movie-clips (16-seconds each, no sound.... I have the worst camera ever :D) which I'll post online when I get the time to upload them.

PQ's perfomance was really tight, together and still with that laid-back, enjoyable atomos on stage... Great Work Lads!!

It was a bit of a shame that Steve's Keys were a bit too quiet... but the keytar :D :D :D that was crazy-awesome!
This has been maybe the greatest show..thanks to everyone for coming and thanks to Sam for singing all the songs.
Sorry for leaving early after the show but we had to be in Nottingham at 11 p.m. on saturday for the Firefest.

we have seen some songs by Chariot: they were fucking GREAT!!!
We haven't seen Metalworks, but we know they are really great too.