London Show home..after falling asleep on teh tube and ending up at anyone that didnt go..FOOLS! you missed out on intensegoodness! :yuk: :D i bought the new album purely just so i could have Our Last Hope <3 (oh and Max, my CD is clearly better than anyone else' coz mine has original hand draw band member artwork :yuk: so there.) I'm definately at hertford not and i feel compelled to drag in alot more people, i'll bring the cambridge lot :) Sean, send me a Temptress T-shirt :( THANKYOUPLEASE
That was a totally awesome show guys. Thanks a lot, cos I really enjoyed it. I also got the new album (according to Nick I was the 1st Uk sale) and I'm really impressed. My favourite songs at the moment our Our Last Hope and You Die Today, although I haven't listened to the whole thing yet. So yeah, thanks again cos that was a great night. Hope to see you all again soon.
Sorry guys. I was down the front by the bar for the Intense set. But I had to leave pretty much straight afterwards because I didn't want to miss the last train. The Picadilly Line was screwed up on the way into town, so I was afraid I might get delayed going back. Shame, cos I would have liked to meet you guys and have a chat. Maybe next time, eh?
sure! you were pointed out to me at Dream Evil but i think i was looking at the wrong person..i had problems on the picadilly line too, I was on the train behind the one that broke down at Hammersmith lol STUPID TUBE!
thats SO weird, i always get on the front carriage coz its nearest to the entrance at my tube stop! We sat at acton town for ages too with the sodding doors open, i got WELL cold :(
I'd just like to say that the gig was fantastic, and I'm so glad I got to see you guys this year! The new album absolutely rocks, I love the energy and the melody and the epicness of it all. :kickass:

Time for some pics. :)








woo those pics are awesome Max..but only one of neil!
Thanks Han. :)

Drummers are always the hardest to photograph. They are further away from the front than the rest of the band, there's not as much light there, and other band members often get in the way of a good shot. :err:

Hence the only decent pic of Neil.