London Show

Thanks Han. :)

Drummers are always the hardest to photograph. They are further away from the front than the rest of the band, there's not as much light there, and other band members often get in the way of a good shot. :err:

Hence the only decent pic of Neil.

I've got some corkers of my ex's bands drummer, every single picture he either looked constipated or it looked like he a a headstock poking him in the face.. :lol:

i think next time we should arrange to meet instead of missing each other :yuk: you have no excuse u know what i look like...
Hey, I'm pretty happy to see the concern being voiced about the lack of decent drummer photographs here! Please forward all demands for better drummer pics to Sean, at Intense HQ. The shots are pretty cool, Max, even though the one decent one of me does look like I'm chewing on a wine gum or something. I hereby suggest moving drummers to the front of the stage, and relegating six-string axe wielders to the rear, along with anyone requiring a vocal mic. 'Twas also cool to get to meet some of you, and probably freak a few of you out with inane ramblings.

Must dash, I hear my doctor coming with the sedative injection again! Woo-hoo!!

I hereby suggest moving drummers to the front of the stage, and relegating six-string axe wielders to the rear, along with anyone requiring a vocal mic.

agreed! :D

drummers are clearly the most entertaining..they hit things with pointy sticks and make strange faces doing it, what more could you want from an evening out?? (and for the ladies, the drummers are usually the hottest members :yuk:)
Err... actually, the 'strange faces' are just my normal expression. And to show my amazing versatility, not all my sticks are even pointy! And the Cavegirl assertion that the drummers are usually the hottest members either refers to the the fact that you've seen some pretty strange bands (the drummers are usually fat and ugly!), or my seat was on fire and I hadn't noticed.

Add your subscription to the 'Drummers to the front of the stage 'cuz they're more interesting than singers or guitarists and deserve equal if not better photo opportunities' petition HERE!!! :headbang:
Obviously my seat WAS on fire! I'm most grateful for the compliments! Even more reason for you to campaign tirelessly to get drummers moved to the front of the stage. That said, I'm struggling to add to the list of hot drummers (in that sense), as I personally wouldn't want to get up close and snuggly with most of 'em, even Felix.

Although I'd probably do Mike Portnoy of Dream Theater just so I could take notes during the 'talking' bit afterwards, though being a typical man he'd probably just fall asleep and ignore me after he'd got what he wanted...

Did I actually type that out loud? Where did I put the phone number for my therapist....?
And what about Steve??? Why has no-one mentioned that he only has 1 photo of just him, and that's in black and white, and a couple where he's in the background. No-one point out that he too is obscured sometimes by his instrument....Then again he wasn't chewing on a wine gum like Neil.

But I agree, let's have the drummer at the front of the stage where he can entertain us with his 'stange faces' and stick twirling, and Max would stand a chance of getting some decent photos of Neil.

Great shots though Max!

Belinda x
We've actually got quite a few of Neil on our camera from Sunday so he shouldn't feel too left out :) (Including one that has caused much mirth in the Intense camp that I might share in a while when I've got a minute!)
Ohhh OK then!

We call it the "Intense comedy triple-whammy shot" - Steve falls asleep at the back, Dave impales his nose with the mic - and Neil seems to have a sign above his head making rather improper suggestions :lol: :heh:

I actually take that sign everywhere with me. I can categorically state that it doesn't work. Someone suggested that perhaps it wasn't quite subtle enough, but personally I don't see that.

Dave really has got that mic shoved up his nostrils! No wonder it sounds like he's got the worst ever cold when he 'sings'...