London venue changed to Mean Fiddler

Glad to know of the change.
I thought it was funny that they were not mentioned on The Marquee gig listing calender. Yet I've looked on the Mean Fiddler's one and they're not there either yet. So has anyone already got hold of tickets?
Originally posted by somefuckingwarrior
i got tickets straight away :)
damn, im happy

You wanna scan them in and link them here?

It's not that I don't believe you or nothing...

Ok, I don't believe you.


I've been all over London and I've repeatedly been told by everyone that the tickets haven't been printed yet.
Yeah they havent we were talking about this ages ago if you look back!You can get them from and and a couple of other places i think.I was told Id receive the tickets in March.
I heard on the news that the Marquee had gone into administration, so i guess that might explain the change in venue.

I ordered, the tracker says they are awaitin the tickets to be printed or something...
I bought my tickets at

They said that I'll get them in about a month. Cos they need printing.

Who are Bodom touring with btw? Is it Soilwork?
Originally posted by TaRnIsHeD
I bought my tickets at

They said that I'll get them in about a month. Cos they need printing.

Who are Bodom touring with btw? Is it Soilwork?

soilwork and shadows fall baby, yeshhhh
WITH SHADOWS FALL ARE YOU FUCKING JOKING???!!yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
where did you hear that???

I literally gasped for breath when I read that..SF are one of my favourite bands...the excitement of COB alone was enough...I dont know if I can handle it...
haha yep it's a great line up! Can't remember where I first heard about shadows fall, but it's up on

(7:42 AM MST 01/24/2003)
Shadows Fall will be heading overseas for a string of dates in Europe alongside Children Of Bodom and Soilwork in April/May