Death of London Astoria and Mean Fiddler


Cutthroat Crusader
Sep 1, 2004
The Mean Fiddler was sold—together with the London Astoria—to property group Derwent Valley Central, who plan to convert the site to a combination of shops, flats and offices to raise money during the Olympics. It will continue to be rented to the Mean Fiddler group until 2008, but after that it will die.

Late last week, development company Derwent Valley struck a deal with Mean Fiddler worth almost £24m, and are rumoured to be planning to turn the aging theatre into a new development of shops, office space and flats. Derwent already own much of the land and buildings surrounding the Astoria, and could develop the entire block into a retail complex.

"The Astoria is a valuable addition and a strategic acquisition, which adjoins our existing holdings in the area and will form a potential development site for the future," John Burns, Managing Director of Derwent Valley confirmed.

"We are committed to the regeneration of key areas in London and are looking forward to the opportunities afforded by such a prominent location," he added. The deal includes the building at 17 Oxford Street, a 3,270 sq foot retail area on a 25-year lease since 1997.

All I can say is... wankers. :cry::cry::cry:


Astoria was where I first saw DragonForce and where I first saw Edguy. :cry:

:cry: :cry: :erk: :cry: ....gutted.
NOt only was it an awesome venu(s!), but they're not even going to replace it or relocate! Surely this means less gigs for us! Humm... I wonder if that sex shop is going too?
If it's going to keep going until 2008 then I pray that this will make the promoters get a ground-breaking run of awesome bands.

That's the only good I can see comng out of this :(
Symphony said:
Oh at least the Olympics will benefit...hold on....I don't care about that! Damn it!

Ha my thoughts exactly. The whole town has gone mad. Seriosuly, an Indian takeaway has renamed itself "2012 curry house" and its logo is all the Olympic rings with like, a vindaloo on it. Seriosuly, who are they kidding!:lol:
Tonberry said:
Humm... I wonder if that sex shop is going too?

oh my god i never even thought about that.. :cry: they sell awesome underwear :cry: its not on the same block tho, surely they wont rip out that whole corner because the tube entrance is connected to that also... :err:
It's to impress the international community for the Olympics. No bugger is really going to give a shit about the London 2012 Olympics especially if a bunch of crappy useless upmarket shops get put up.
Sure will.

Underworld for the win though.

I mean, i'm not too heartbroken its going. I've seen a few good gigs there, and i'll probably see a few more before it gets demolished. But there are other venues out there. It just baffles me that they're getting rid of the Astoria. Surely there are a few useless buildings in the area.
TBH, I really don't care. Mean Fiddler has the worst sound engineer ever, and the Astoria has that weird bloke in the toilets.

Far better venues elsewhere.
hahaha. Seriously, it's like why are you here? This isn't a high class establishment, in need of scent dispensers.
the astoria was the main venue i went for gigs when i was living in london, so it'll be sad to see it go

if they wanted, they could relocate it to Bath and get a few decent bands in as well