"Lone Justice" annoy the snot out of Charlie campaign

hahahah you won't ........charlie is even fuckin with ya on the website now ;)........

bound to mix up the set from the one we saw a few months back.....hope so anyway....... ( cmon a.i.r.)
I should send a request requesting not to play Lone Justice.
:p hahahahahaha...that'd be funny. I know I'd be laughing! But, that like takes too much effort, ya know...plus I wouldn't mind hearing Lone Justice. Not my favorite song, but not my least favorite either. I just want to hear Anthrax.
Yeah, it's an awesome song, but people are acting like that's the only song they should revive. What about The Enemy or Be All End All?
Brent said:
Yeah, it's an awesome song, but people are acting like that's the only song they should revive. What about The Enemy or Be All End All?

they did bring back be all end all on the killer a's tour. there's a lot of songs that i would love to hear them bring back and a few songs i'm sure they've never played before... but i've never heard joey or bush do lone justice.