Long Live Megadeth!

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
Did anybody else see Megadeth before their recent demise. I grew up on early Megadeth stuff, and I recently (Novemer 2001, I think) was able to see them live for the first and only time. I thought, with Dave Mustaine's recent accident that ended the band, I would like to see what everybody thinks of the band now that they're gone. I was very impressed with the live set. It was very heavy on older material. They closed with "Holy Wars", so my night was complete.
I love Megadeth and has done so since I was about 9 (when Rust in Peace came out). I have to confess I really dig all their albums. Even Risk :eek:

One of the greatest band of all time!!!
To be honest, Megadeth has never been my thing. Thrash (except for the mighty Haunted), has never appealed to me. However, I have at one point owned all of their albums, except for Killingis my business.... Rust in Peace is by far their best work. Hell, I even thought Youthanasia was decent. I felt their music was better than anything Metallica ever did, but I will not lose any sleep over this. Now if the Haunted were to call it quits, I'll kill somebody.
I saw megadeth on 98 with Judas Priest
they sucked,except their old songs
and as I have heard,the new material is worst
they should have called it quits when they had time
Killing is my Business - indifferent
Peace Sells, So Far So Good So What, Rust in Peace - classics
Countdown to Ex, Youthanasia - good, but the beginning of the end
Cryptic Writings - radio oriented but good with standout songs like She-Wolf and Vortex
Risk - bad (but not as bad as everyone makes out) - I liked Insomniac, Prince of Darkness, Doctor is Calling, Time, but the rest were terrible - Breadline perhaps being the worst song in their history
The World needs a Hero - I hated it. You could tell it was written in an attempt to reclaim their roots and it didn't work. I'll admit I prefer Risk to this.

Another Megadeth classic is Hidden Treasures by the way. I think the solo exchanges between Mustaine and Friedman on "Go To Hell" is some of their best work.

I'll miss Megadeth, but I think their time came to call it quits.

A Toute la Monde.
I started to gain more respects to megadeth. I love RIP, and Countain to extention. But Many people (includeing myself) when i heard the first time cyrptic writeing & risk hated megadeth. But Looking back at it now. I think they are one off the most talented bands. Yes Dave had many issues in his life. but they are Something that will stay on my list. It is unfortunate i never got the chance to see them live. But C'mon Isn't Trust and Secret place stay with you for a while.?

And how many people we will hear with the same voice of DAve...
"Not even close to the overdose" - Dave
i got to see them in Melbourne..... fucking great show. i would be happy if at that age i can play a set that lasts 2 or more hours and has that many classic songs in it.
I have been a fan for many years but i think that it was best for them to call it quits, their later era stuff just lacked the fire of rust... so, now was the best time to kill it, ok maby 1 album ago....

Dave's still an angry man though (still pissed about Metallica)
No doubt about that Alpha666, Risk was okay, but Really TWNAH and CW were Not RIP material but they were Good Material and a bit calmer (? ) in a way.
:Shedevil: Yeah! I saw Megadeth open up for Judas Priest in 1990 Priest's 'PAINKILLER' tour! with Testament! Another kick ass band from the late 80's! I really like more of their older shit! Too bad to hear about Mustaine's injury, regardless of what the band was up to, it would SUCK to be injured and not be able to play!! Hopefully, Dave will be able to play the guitar again soon, that's just gotta suck shit for him!!:yuk:
Megadeth was once one of my favorite bands. I still like them, but their not amongst my favorite bands anymore, as my taste in music has changed a lot! Slayer used to be my favorite band once, now I don't even have one cd or LP by Slayer anymore. I still enjoy Megadeth's "Rust in peace" though, as I think it might be the best thrash record ever. "Countdown.." is their second best in my opinion. I sold "Youthanasia" so it's hard to remember, but as far as I recall it was good, but not as good as it's two predecessors. "So far..." is half and half in my opinion. It has some good songs like "Into the lungs of hell", "Mary Jane" (which is also the title of a Rick James song from '78, his is about weed!). The rest of the record is pretty much stuff you just skip.
I heard "Peace sells.." a lot when I was younger, but I never really liked that record. I know a lot of people was like "Man, this sucks" in the beginning, but then came to love the record, but I don't think I'll ever come to like that record, no matter how many times I hear it.
I haven't heard "Killing is...". I borrowed "Cryptic Writings" recently and only heard it once, but I thought it was okay. Some of the stuff you skip, but I think there was some decent stuff on it. I could have done without the last song which is a complete rip-off of Metallica's "Motorbreath"!
I haven't heard "Risk" and "The world needs a hero", so I can't comment on them.
Even though thrash is pretty much gone from my musical taste, I still enjoy "Rust.." and "Countdown..." as I think there still classic records! The rest I can pretty much live without, but might be willing to buy if I find it cheap in a second hand shop.
I never got to see them live, which I think I would have enjoyed, but if they were coming to Denmark now, I don't know if I'd go see them anyway, as they're not one of my favorite bands anymore, and I'd have to go to Copenhagen, which is in the other end of the country (4-5 hours by train) and that shit costs a lot of money!!! :rolleyes:
Megadeth: A special place in my heart. One of the truly 'metal'
metal bands all over (except for some material where they tried
to break from their roots. Some of you already mentioned it.)
Will be missed :cry:
Back 12 years ago Megadeth was my favorite band. I loved the Rust In Peace album, but my favorite Megadeth album of all time is Peace Sells. That one rulz.:rock: I also like Killing Is my Business and So Far So Good....So What. Those are amazing albums too. I never got to see them live. I didn't really care for their recent albums. I thought they went down hill after Rust In Peace.