Long Time No death - pictures and review


Valley Of The Damned
Hang Him High
Fractured Millennium
Adjusting The Sun
Medley (Pleasure Of Molestation/Osculum Obscenum/Penetralia)
Medley (Apocalypse/The Fourth Dimension)
Killing Art
A Coming Race
Let The Knife Do The Talking
Weed Out The Weak
Fire In The Sky
Roswell 47
The Final Chapter

BUHUHAHAA They open with Valley! :heh:

Great setlist.

Of course as I thought, the top 5 selected by people on NB was shit unless they simply didnt consider it.

I would have flushed Let the knife and one of these : ''Pleasure Of Molestation/Osculum Obscenum/Penetralia'' and replaced it with another song from the self titled (Elastic or Until the end) and maybe an ''oddity'' from Catch 22 like Another dead end or seeds.

CANT WAIT FOR THE GIG IN QUEBEC!!!! :headbang::headbang::headbang:

Awesome! I have absolutly no complaints about that setlist, it can never be 100% of what everyone would want so every singel person would probably want to change it according to their own prefrences (as would I) but I still think its better then I dared hope. They'll probably adjust it abit from concert to concert though.
Thats a jammin set list right their!!! :kickass:

If only they will add some TX dates...o_O
Adjusting the Sun. <3
Would like to leave out Valley of the Damned (Don't like the guitar strand during the chorus) and Eraser (Bleuh, never liked that song), and replace them with... Buried and Elastic Inverted Visions. :_
I hope some songs will change for the Stockholm show :rolleyes:
Adjusting the sun, apocalpse, t4d and the final chapter, I don't need more, Fuck yeah
also the ATOED will be interesting too, would love to see Necronomicon, love the live version on the virus bonus disc
I would have also skipped ERASER, one of the most overrated song from Hypocrisy imo

they should fucking jam the Departure or War within from the arrival.

For the changes people, I doubt it, keep in mind that the 2nd guitar is NOT a member of the band but a guess, so I think they will keep it simple and play exclusively these songs in order to be as tight as possible.

of course I could be wrong.

then again, not :)
you are a lil hard on yourself huney :) 2nd guitar would be the guitarist of a band named SANCTIFICATION, which released an album in 2009 procuded in the Abyss by Sir Tagtgren.
Sanctification is allright.

its totally generic death metal without any lead or solos.

I got tired of the album after like 10 days.

tune RAW is awesome though.
I never said it was an oddity as a whole

playing live Another dead end or Seeds of the chosen one would be an oddity (and a great thing)

and maybe an ''oddity'' from Catch 22 like Another dead end or seeds

pretty clear isnt it? ;)