Looking at purchasing Trigger


Apr 11, 2006
I'm over Drumagog, things aren't going as well as they should be and I'm looking at getting Trigger.

Only issue - I can't afford to get Platinum at this stage. I'm thinking of going for EX, but I am unsure how the sample libraries work. Is it just the same deal as buying Slate samples in that I can purchase EX and then over time upgrade my sample collection with the EX Expansion bundles?

Trigger EX is a damn good deal, enough samples to work. Anyway you can export your drumagog samples to .wav and build a buch of new presets in trigger. I bought trigger platinum for the price of EX version, but otherwise I would´ve bought EX version.
I wanted Trigger a while ago and thought I was buying it when I bout the EX package. So now that I have the samples, I would be paying for the samples all over again if I were to buy Trigger EX right? Just in different format?
I bought trigger at Slate Digital, it was like a "no brainer deal" for already members.
For the build up of your presets there´s another program besides trigger for create your own samples into trigger extension. You can load wav/aiff, set different articulations, different velocities....
I recommend you to pick EX version up!
I bought trigger at Slate Digital, it was like a "no brainer deal" for already members.

Dude - fucking lucky score!

Its a bit of a shitty situation cos I don't necessarily NEED it at the moment, would just be nice to have it. I would love to get platinum but have spent quite a lot of cash on new gear recently so unsure whether I will be able to. Wish I knew about that deal you got! Would have definitely gone for it.