Looking Christmas Songs that \m/


King of Ithaca
Sep 12, 2002
Sebastopol, CA
It's that time of year again. You can tell from the $@$%^^! MUZAK that's playing in so many stores. Let's buck the trend and list all the rock'n/metal Christmas songs we know so we can make a good playlist!

I'll start with:

Theocracy: Little Drummer Boy
The Trans-Siberian Orchestra should suit your needs just fine. They have two full albums of Christmas music.
A few years back Magna Carta released a christmas album with a collaboration prog band members, the album is called Sounds Like Christmas and it is done by the December People who include:

Steve Walsh (Kansas), Jake Livgren (Kerry's nephew), Trent Gardner (Magellan, Explorers Club), Mike Baker and Gary Wehrkamp (Shadow Gallery), John Wetton (King Crimson, Asia), Lisa Bouchelle (Leonardo) and Robert Berry.
halfdeadhippo said:
The Trans-Siberian Orchestra should suit your needs just fine. They have two full albums of Christmas music.

two??? How about three:

Christmas Eve and Other Stories
The Christmas Attic
The Lost Christmas Eve

And for other cool Xmas discs, you can check into Merry Axemas 1 & 2. Guitar players from the a-list galore like Satriani, Vai, Morse, Johnson, Lifeson, Setzer, Beck, Lukather, Schon, Stevens, Sykes, Wylde...and many more!!

Want to give it a go with some cool acoustic yule tunes, California Guitar Trio - A Christmas Album.

I am not a fan of TSO myself; I don't like their orchestration.

Gary Hoey's "Ho Ho Hoey!" christmas collection, on the other hand, is awesome. That guy actually does some pretty impressive guitar work on there, in my admittedly uneducated opinion.