looking for a death metal vocalist, ala behemoth

Joey the vocalist from Hospice (BRUSH YA FUCKIN TEEF) that you masterd wants to take a whack at it. if your down
hey not bad at all! you could potentially do it
is there any reason why you didnt spend much time on it?

Just didn't have the time do anymore at the time and also wanted to see if the fast parts(like at the end)were on par with what you wanted I can do something properly this week.Do you mind if it has some higher vocals in there as well?

Also I may change lyrics as they were really just to see if it's what you were after. Glad to hear you dig it man.
no seth, why did you say that. this sounds nothing like new TCM
new tcm is "analog" and not bright, its natural, and warm
quite the opposite of this mix.


no no, I meant just stylistically. I like how your productions are progressing and the direction you are doing things. Everything is sounding way more natural.

I wasnt trying to say that you copy pasted the TCM mix, sorry if it came off that way. :p