looking for a MIDI to USB Cable with more then 16 channels

mick thompson

AKA: Ross Canpolat! SM!
Nov 3, 2005
Dublin, Ireland
anyone know where i can pick one up on the web that ships to ireland?

i've looked on ebay and there all 16 channels.

i dont really know too much about midi shit so perhaps someone can sort me out. the keyboard im getting is a 25 key m-audio keyboard with about 6 or 7 nobs on it too for controlling midi functions.

i wana add it to my vocalists live rig (he already uses 2 keys) using apple's logic mainstage. so do i need like a midi to usb 32 channel interface or what?

cheers in advance
I confirm. Back in the days it was invented, 16 channels was a revolution (it was never more than 2 before). But today it starts to be a pain in the ass for the developpers and manufacturers. You will never get more than 16 channels in a single midi connection. Even logically in a DAW, 32 channels cannot be something else than 2x16 channels.
I have that midi interface 1m behind me mick ! Coincidence... Anyway where is the problem getting a classic midi connection for that key, besides this is the 3rd one ?

EDIT : dunno if I got you, but is your question like "is that because there are a lot of knobs I need more channels than 16 to be able to use everything ?"

Cause if that is what you ask, no with any usb / midi cable it will be okay. I'm pretty sure all informations can pass. You can use an infinity of midi datas or control changes etc on a channel.

16 channels max is not a problem for you. For example, a synth that can create a sound for a midi input will be able to do it to 16 channels max. With 3 keys, I don't see where you would be limited. Just plug each one, and that's all.
Parsons , let it burn & lesenda thanks very much for your reply. like i said i dont really know too much about midi but that totally cleared it up for me.

as for getting a "classic midi connection" eh...well for stage use a small little usb dongle sized cable would be so much handier instead of a dedicated piece of hardware to support the midi keyboard. i understand in the studio it would be much better to have a more "dedicated" interface but when it comes to playing gigging we need to cut down on the amount of gear were hauling around.

thanks guys! great help all of you!