Looking for a Music-Making Program


Mar 2, 2007
I know there are probably tons of threads about this, but I have a pretty specific request that I've tried in google that hasn't yielded sufficient results, and I figured people on this forum probably already have experience.

It needs the following things:

- Ability to create looped beats, and put multiple loops together so that I can create a full song out of them, without a time limit or something stupid like I've had with programs I've used in the past
- Ability to insert tracks through direct recording through a microphone and place them and edit them alongside the beats
- Ability to record a track alongside the beats and/or other instruments
- Ability to have music written out with a good variety of instruments, and played alongside the looped beats
- Ability for me to make beats at breakcore speeds
- A good amount of effects, so I won't have to put tracks in audacity

Garage band kind of has the third one, but you have to play it through the keyboard which I think is retarded. I have a mac, but I am planning on getting windows soon, but if there is a program like this that is mac compatible, mentioning it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks. I looked around, and it seems to be Mac compatible. I'm trying the trial version now.
The interface was too complex for my taste. I'd rather have something with a more straightforward interface like FL Studio's.
If you take time to learn it, it may work better for you. Other DAWs would be something like Cubase, Sonar, Protools, and Albeton. What kind of music are you trying to produce? Sounds like you need to find a DAW that you like and use some VSTis for your instruments.
If you want an audio+midi workflow, I would highly suggest Cubase and a good set of VST instruments.

It takes a bit of time to get used to, but you can set up your own workspace to be pretty straightforward like FL Studio's.

Reason is nice, when you get used to it, but it doesn't have audio compatibility.
I looked at all of them and so far none seem to have what I'm looking for. I'm looking for a simple interface like FL Studio's where you can select a time signature and have a linear look at a bunch of drums that you can use and select when you want them to play in the beat. I'm looking for those combined with the ability to easily write out the music like in Guitar Pro.

I may go the route of a getting an electronic drumkit, but I have terrible rhythm. I could always just get a beat-making program, import the tracks from it into audacity, and then just record and edit instrument and vocal tracks with it.
If you're on mac you might want to give Logic a try. A built in score editor is the closest thing your going to get to a Guitar Pro like interface. Other than that I would recommend Reaper, it's an amazing bargain.
As other people have said, it sounds like what your looking for is a DAW. They all work in pretty much the same way. If you're serious about writing electronic music then you're going to have to learn how they work sooner or later. Cubase, Pro Tools, Logic, Sonar, Ableton and Reason are some of the most popular choices. The last two are especially popular among people making electronica. You'll want some decent VST instruments too. Native Instruments, Spectrasonics and Rob Papen make some of the best ones. Alternatively have a rake through kvr.com for some good freebies.
Good luck.
Thanks. I'll keep all that under consideration. Logic looks a lot like what I'm looking for from what I've seen.
You need REAPER.

- Ability to create looped beats, and put multiple loops together so that I can create a full song out of them, without a time limit or something stupid like I've had with programs I've used in the past
Do it in the MIDI editor.

- Ability to insert tracks through direct recording through a microphone and place them and edit them alongside the beats
All serious DAWs will have that functionality.

- Ability to record a track alongside the beats and/or other instruments
Same as above.

- Ability to have music written out with a good variety of instruments, and played alongside the looped beats
Conditional check.
REAPER doesn't contain any serious synths, but will use almost all VSTi instruments properly.
1000s of free instruments for you to try.

- Ability for me to make beats at breakcore speeds
You can set any tempo you want.

- A good amount of effects, so I won't have to put tracks in audacity
REAPER has many high quality effects.
Ableton Live again!

It may seem a little wired at first but once you run through the tutorials you'll be blown away by it's power and amazing workflow...it's really easy to work with too!
Honestly I'm going to have to agree with everyone, either Reason 6 or Abelton Live 8.

Any daw is gonna do what you want though, but Reason for example will come with pretty much everything you need to get there (the instruments are really good).

And your looking at a learning curve no matter what you use. Honestly I'm baffled that you would think Reason has a difficult UI.
I find reaper the most intutive and eefficient. if you have a big budget you can go for pro tools. you can do great tjings with it. otherwise - reaper. really cheap and a great program
And your looking at a learning curve no matter what you use. Honestly I'm baffled that you would think Reason has a difficult UI.

My attention span is kinda short. It's rare I'd use a program that isn't really straightforward. I tried the trial, and it seemed like a program I'd be lurking in the help section with. Not my thing.

I'm gonna check out Reaper.

Edit: For 60 bucks it really can't hurt to try. If it doesn't work out, I can save up for Logic.