Looking for an old DT web article - top 20 riffs?


Oct 10, 2001
I remember reading an article somewhere online where someone had compiled a list of DT's top 20 or 25 riffs and commented on them.

I tried searching for it but no luck yet, so here I am asking for your search assistance.
This should work :


I dont know at all if there is a copyright on it but it's NOT my work. Since it was available for free on the net, i guess there is no problem with me sharing it (or delete the link if you think so).

You might have to recreate the links between the html pages and the files
I remember that article. It was on Displacer's Death Tab, I recall. I could no longer find the site with a quick search, but found this old thread where the guy posted before writing it:


Ah, the times...

EDIT: It seems I can't get megaupload to work. It might be my popup-blocker or something. Anyone else have problems with the download?


If you want, send me your email by pm and i will send it to you by mail
Megaupload is indeed tricky, either they require you to be a citizen of one of their chosen countries, or they demand you to download the files when their servers are not being used by premium members, OR they make it so you can't download without their "toolbar".

Once you get the toolbar, you'll be able to download their stuff if you're lucky enough. This time I was lucky (worked for me).