Looking for erm... a name...

With those big eyes he looks a bit mystic to me. I would go with a mystic name. Like Merlin or Gondor or Yoda. Yes I think Yoda should be it. Long ears and big eyes gives him a real Yoda look.

His eyes are really stunning in real! I dunno how, but sometimes they look blue and sometimes they look brown. Never seen something like that before. Hmm well, but maybe I should just clean my lamps?

Since I ever disliked Star Wars, I won't call him Yoda :D
I still can't decide which I like better, Connla, Grimnir or Gondor... :(

Will please someone come up with an idea that immediately hits my taste? :D I only have 4 weeks left to choose :D
So it is definitely a boy then :)

If you like sounds with C you can also call him Cú Roi, which means hound of the battlefield (well im sure rabbits can hang around battlefields, dont be specieist), Culhwch, after the character in the Mabinogion, Or Cormac, which means raven.

If you like sounds with G there is always Grendel, as in Beowulf.

Think you must... Yoda an original name is not. Pop culture everywhere is.
He is named Conrad now, that was the name my co-worker in the animal shelter gave him. I don't like animals to have human names, so I need a new one :D
Although my other rabbits are called Emmy, Jury and Maja... I thought for weeks about names for them (I got them when they were still babies), and when it got time to immunize them, the vet needed the names for the vaccination cards.
Conrad already has his card, and it would be no trouble to change the name in there since he is a shelter rabbit. He has 4 weeks to go until his castration quarantine is over and I can put him together with Maja. If they get along with each other, I can keep him. And until then, I am gonna keep thinking about a name :)

Until now, I think Grimnir is my favourite.
What about just calling him "Pagan"?

No? What about "Einer" then? There's an old norse warrior name if there ever was one.

Although "Connla" is worthy of consideration. "Oisín" isn't too bad, either. Have you considered "Nicodemus" (a character from one of my favorite cartoon-movies "The Secret of Nymh")?

I dunno... "Brutus" maybe? No. That's dumb. What was i thinking? (Don't ask me.)

Ach.. I won't bother listing anything anymore unless i'm positive i've found "The One." Meanwhile, good luck finding a name, kiddo.;)
Well, she can't name hin Einer, as it is an actual word in German (and he lives in Germany). It means simply one, as in one of many, and I think Phelice wants him to be special, not one of many... (The ON name is Einar, but I hear it makes people giggle these days...)

I used to have a rat names Garm. Garm is the guardian of Hel, but in our house, his cage used to sit right by my kids' bedroom door, so I thought it appropriate. So, a guard rabbit named Garm...how 'bout it?