Looking for feedback for demo


New Metal Member
Nov 9, 2012
Hey ,

after listening to all the great mixes here I almost feel bad about posting my mix, but you have to start somewhere I guess. :)
This is for a demo cd of my band I am mixing at the momemt.
Feedback of any kind is appreciated, the more honest the better.
How can I improve the mix?

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/19342609/IFWT Part I.mp3
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I agree with you, guitars need to be rerecorded. Did you also spot any timing issues on the drums?
Mixing wise, is this an improvement? Problem is that I am still not really sure what do to when mixing. Too much compression?
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have you tried a transient designer on the snare? it might add some punch.
i'd like to hear more attack on the guitars, did you record a direct input?
i don't like the vocal panning, i think it takes a lot away from the mix; it is confusing. maybe pan less.