Looking for "good" mic pre-amp


Jan 29, 2006
Nieuw-Buinen, The Netherlands
While I can't play drums or guitar at the moment..I'm really looking into some new gear..

Here's the thing. I now have 16 channels available to me
2 x MOTU1224. I'm really satisfied with that..
Only I'm not satisfied with the pre's I got running.
Which are SM Audio Pro PR8E

I now have 2 options...
Or get an 8 channel mic pre-amp for something around 400-500 euro's.
Or get a 2 (or single) channel mic pre for around 300-400 euro's..

I've read a lot about the FMR RNP's, but for a 2 channel it's just a bit out of my range!

I'm looking for something versataile, but mostly good for vocals and guitar!

It took me like 10 minutes to type this message with one hand..so please reward my time spend on this...:blush:

Ow maybe handy to know, I use SM57 or MD421's for guitars..
And Beta58 on vocals mot of the time..

Maybe get a SPL goldmike?

And i think Shelfing out for REALY good preamp wouldn't be something you'd regret in the future, buy something that will last you even when you get even better stuff you know?
Goedkoop is echt wel duurkoop:p

For example i waited 3 months with buying my adat 8 channel Audient ASP008 while i could get the Firepod right then, but i know if i didn't wait i'd allways wonder if the Audient realy was that much better ghehehe..
Maybe get a SPL goldmike?

And i think Shelfing out for REALY good preamp wouldn't be something you'd regret in the future, buy something that will last you even when you get even better stuff you know?
Goedkoop is echt wel duurkoop:p

Mooie nederlandse uitspraak :)

But i've read in one of your posts about the spl that you're not satisfied with what it does on vocals.. For what do you use it? Guitars?

Yeah after hearing and reading so much about that audient that will be my buy in 3-4 monts..
What was the price at lobbes?
I'm afraid it was 1300 with the adat card:p which is cheap hehehehe..

Point about the SPL was that it didn't "stack" well.. as in:

If you record AND overheads/snare AND guitar and after that vocals with it tends to build up sonicly and it gets hard to mix for some reason.

So nowadays i just pick one micpre for one of the three and stick to it, and when i know use it on vocals and use something else for the drums/guitars i have no problems at all!

So this means i have to buy even more preamps now.. ahwell.. :p