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Lair of the Minotaur is pretty awesome and more than adequately fills your requirements of "Super heavy, totally bludgeoning, brutal & thick."

they've got a few tracks at http://www.lairoftheminotaur.com/ i can post a few more if you want

the only album ive got is The Ultimate Destroyer, so thats the one i recommend

HoF took a few listens to click with me too, but now they're one of my favorite bands. ive caught them live a few times and they fucking destroy about 99% of the bands ive seen. do not miss them if they come to your area.
that stuff is killer neal! "the ultimate destroyer" reminds me of one of the original doom levels :lol:
the original doom music is fantastic. i think it was En Vind Av Sorg's friend had a zombie themed band that covered a lot of the doom music. it was pretty cool.
im not doomcifer, but ill give my opinion just because i fucking feel like it. that album RULES.

sssssssinggggg to the wiiiiindsss, sccreaaaam to the SKKKYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY :kickass:
That album is amazing, indeed.

Also, going to see Big Business next Saturday. If I end up buying a cd at the show, which should it be?