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i dont think anyone care about nile playing egyptian metal because theres probably only one egyptian metal head in the world. come on, who the fuck lives in egypt? think about it. and if anyone lives there they wouldnt even know what a guitar is. they are on those bongos or something. but, what the fuck do i know.
DemonsAndLies666 said:
i dont think anyone care about nile playing egyptian metal because theres probably only one egyptian metal head in the world. come on, who the fuck lives in egypt? think about it. and if anyone lives there they wouldnt even know what a guitar is. they are on those bongos or something. but, what the fuck do i know.

Common misconception. We actually have a thread about that in here somewhere. Have a friend who lives in Saudi Arabia (entirely different from Egypt, same religious background) who's a huge black metal friend. Half of the "allure" of metal of any kind is the rebelion issue. I'd say people in Egypt have lots to rebel about, wouldn't you? Totally OT, ofcourse. But you're right. I for one don't care about Nile./T
i wasnt even aware if egypt was devoloped or not. i dont care either... itd be better if it wasnt though, i think...
only rebutle i could have is if there is such a metal uprising (supposedly) where the fuck are they at? i havent herd of one metal head hailing from egypt (might have seen some from israel or saudi but, they are a bit different). mehh... i dont know what the fuck im talking about. all i know is that i gotta pee....
DemonsAndLies666 said:
awsome... for the first time i tell someone to fuck off and everyone agrees with me!!! (minus the fat kid with the red dog(nasty beer) avatar)

this calls for a celebration!!!
HERTOG JAN!!!!:kickass:
DemonsAndLies666 said:
i just realized this donnie darko guy titles himself as "Destroyer of false metal"....

you guys already know where im going with this... and if you dont... eat shit...
Suicide? or do i have to eat poo now
I'm actually a big fan of Nile. I think their music sounds "real oriental" and not fake...well, that's my humble opinion of course. I told this to Karl Sanders, BTW, and he seemed quite pleased with it.

I think if anyone wants to base his music on certain "culture", he needs to know enough about...I don't agree that people should stick to their own culture. I just came back from a 1 month trip to India, and really...I can't hear any Bollywood film songs for some time now. If I had a band and I would've to make Bollywood, I'd go insane only by the thought of it!!
LoL well I actually like Nile a lot too. But I understand why DemonsAndLies got so pissed in the first place. Egyptian metal is not on the verge of becoming gayass mainstream like Viking metal is. The signs are there. Suddenly everyone wants to learn about Vikings and suddenly everyone is asking about making a Viking band and then people start wanting to identify with Vikings somehow blah blah I don't know or care.

But the fact stands that mythology in general is a very well-known source of metal inpsiration. But am I in favor of a million Viking bands popping up? Of course not. I'd rather it stayed small so people wouldn't fuck it up eventually. It's like that game "Telephone" where you say a phrase to someone and they pass it on or whatever and by the end it's a different phrase. Keep it local. I'm not saying racial seclusion either. But anybody willing to at least learn about a culture before wanting to form a band about it is OK with me.

Or at least pick a mythology that won't anger DemonsAndLies. Hell in high school a few friends and I started up a death metal band about video game mythology called Fog of War. Drawing themes mostly from games like Diablo. Get fucking creative. Don't just make a copycat band because your favorite band also does it.
I'm going to make a video-game metal band now too! Great idea!

(It seriously isn't a bad idea though. I bet it would be pretty amusing :P)
Anglorfin said:
LoL well I actually like Nile a lot too. But I understand why DemonsAndLies got so pissed in the first place. Egyptian metal is not on the verge of becoming gayass mainstream like Viking metal is. The signs are there. Suddenly everyone wants to learn about Vikings and suddenly everyone is asking about making a Viking band and then people start wanting to identify with Vikings somehow blah blah I don't know or care.

But the fact stands that mythology in general is a very well-known source of metal inpsiration. But am I in favor of a million Viking bands popping up? Of course not. I'd rather it stayed small so people wouldn't fuck it up eventually. It's like that game "Telephone" where you say a phrase to someone and they pass it on or whatever and by the end it's a different phrase. Keep it local. I'm not saying racial seclusion either. But anybody willing to at least learn about a culture before wanting to form a band about it is OK with me.

Or at least pick a mythology that won't anger DemonsAndLies. Hell in high school a few friends and I started up a death metal band about video game mythology called Fog of War. Drawing themes mostly from games like Diablo. Get fucking creative. Don't just make a copycat band because your favorite band also does it.

Yes, you get no argument from me, either. I was just busting D&L's balls, cuz it's my job. :Shedevil:

Anyhow, some kid has a vid on the net right now where he's taken Dragonforce's latest video tune and dressed up a Guildwars segment with it. It's actually kind of cool, but I am not too sure if I'd like a bunch of Guildwars Metal Bands to pop up either...
Anglorfin said:
Drawing themes mostly from games like Diablo.

HAHAHA did u play diablo 1 or 2? ive played d2 lod for about 3 years! Got banned a month ago for using a bot.. actually ive been un-banned 3 days ago! haha.. so u want to make songs about Necromancers and Hammerdins? xD imma join your band if youre gonna do it for real! damn this brings up good memories..
Knarfi said:
HAHAHA did u play diablo 1 or 2? ive played d2 lod for about 3 years! Got banned a month ago for using a bot.. actually ive been un-banned 3 days ago! haha.. so u want to make songs about Necromancers and Hammerdins? xD imma join your band if youre gonna do it for real! damn this brings up good memories..

Haha dude it already happened. We were around for like 3 years in high school then we all went away to college. Our Diablo related songs included titles like "Into the Chaos Sanctuary" and "Corpsemourn" and "Radament".
Anglorfin said:
Haha dude it already happened. We were around for like 3 years in high school then we all went away to college. Our Diablo related songs included titles like "Into the Chaos Sanctuary" and "Corpsemourn" and "Radament".

Hahahahahahah XDDD you should make a song like "runes for my enigma"(well if u played LOD that is) or "deep inside the maggot lair" or what ever XD omfg u HAVE to send me the songs!!!
Anglorfin said:
Haha dude it already happened. We were around for like 3 years in high school then we all went away to college. Our Diablo related songs included titles like "Into the Chaos Sanctuary" and "Corpsemourn" and "Radament".

do you think you coudl load some links so we can download the songs? it would be kick ass.
hahaha what the hell?! this looks more like D2jsp forum!
also, "the throne of baal", "sacrificing for zakarum", "when tristram burned" or what ever.. i think im gonna make some black metal of it some day