Looking for new bands....

Gates of Dawn Three full-length mp3's
The music is some kind of Melodic Metal (Doom/Gothic)
But you have to listen and make your own opinion about it!
Some bands that we can relate to (musically) are:
My Dying Bride, Anathema, (some) Hypocrisy, Opeth, Tiamat etc...

Well, as I said: Listen and find out! Mp3's
Wow... I should have worded my post a lot different... I asked for the same thing and got not as many replies. :D

I run an online zine out of Germany so if anybody wants stuff reviewed get in touch !
First Impressions after downloading 1 - 2 songs each:

I tried to download the MP3s but I couldn´t get them to work. I´ll try back later...

The MP3 rip was really bad but I got a good enough idea of this band to know I would want to get their CD. Awesome sounding Power Metal !!

I already know these guys... Here´s the review that´s online at MetalGospel.com: This album is a well produced, full bodied effort that bridges the gap between the Old School and Modern Thrash styles as well as showcasing some technical/progressive and even industrial leanings. Bands like KREATOR ("Renewal"), VOIVOD or MACHINE HEAD ("Burn My Eyes") come to mind right away on hearing the album but these Australians manage to have their own sound. The professional packaging and musicianship of this CD is rather impressive for a band who only formed in 1998. "Dreams" is incredibly "riffalicious"... so packed full of steely, crunchy riffing that you can´t help but rip out the air guitar and play along ! This awesome riffing is met with harsh vocals and plump basslines. With so many bands that lose the bass somewhere in the mix it is nice to see that a distinction between bass and guitar has been achieved in the production with no problem. I think the area of improvement for this young band would be in varying the song structures and vocals a bit more but other than that they are on the right path and will appeal to old and newer Metalheads worldwide. Standout song: 'Days Of Doom'.

Hard to say with this band... one song I didnt care for but the one called "Spiritual Conquest" was rather cool. Would like to hear more from these guys.

All I can say is: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

This is some great, straightforward Death Metal... 'Nosferatu' is awesome !

Reminds me of modern day METALLICA (especially the vocals)... not bad Rock N Roll.

These guys are a chaotic grind massacre ! Not really my thing... the vocals detract from the music.

More first impressions to follow...
hey there angelwitch ..
regarding the vocals ,, well, you will be happy to know we have a different singer going onto the new recordings, which should be done at the end of this week, all mixed and everything, i will post in here when the songs are online ..
also our singer had a throat infection when we did the recording, so it didnt really do him justice! ..
but thanks for mentioning and checking it out though as well, some people dont even take the time to do that :) ..

good luck with everything ..
Yeah.. I read about the change of vocalist. I´m interested to hear your music with a different vocalist.

I thought it was kind of funny that most bands don´t even check to see if there is feedback.. Ah well...
i think a lot of people just post and then wander off to post somewhere else .. which is fair enough .. but i always like to check back ,, even if people say "youre shit" .. its still feedback, im interested to hear what people say .. thing is as well though, its cool to know what people are into, so we can see if they are into the relevant music .. :) ..

the new stuff will be online quite soon now, its just about all finished :) .. so will let ya know for sure :)
Hey AngelWitch, thanks for sharing your opinion on the Ante Lucem songs!

4 more mp3's are gonna show up in about 1-2 weeks, and actually they are closer sounding to Spiritual Conques, the song you liked, rather than Before Dawn.

Once all those mp3s show up, that will be all songs from the Before Dawn short cd/demo. cheers!

Originally posted by PaulTangaroa
i think a lot of people just post and then wander off to post somewhere else .. which is fair enough .. but i always like to check back ,, even if people say "youre shit" .. its still feedback, im interested to hear what people say .. thing is as well though, its cool to know what people are into, so we can see if they are into the relevant music .. :) ..

the new stuff will be online quite soon now, its just about all finished :) .. so will let ya know for sure :)

:) Cool.. I always check back here in case people added more bands to discover... I don´t always have the time to check them out right away but I do eventually...
Originally posted by Sfarog
Hey AngelWitch, thanks for sharing your opinion on the Ante Lucem songs!

4 more mp3's are gonna show up in about 1-2 weeks, and actually they are closer sounding to Spiritual Conques, the song you liked, rather than Before Dawn.

Once all those mp3s show up, that will be all songs from the Before Dawn short cd/demo. cheers!


Post here when they go online...