Looking for new bands....

Hi all. If you are interested in melodic death/ heavy metal with sickeningly depressive and fatalistic elements, check out Soultorn ( www.soultorn.tk by Fredrik Kreem, of Swedish Metal) and Download a song from the new ep "Masks", with art by Niklas Sundin.
Let me know what you all think, and feel free to sign the guestbook.

Originally posted by GuardianInFlames
Guardian Force is a kick ass band! But man do they need to find a new vocalist.....Everything else is great......

This young band,Guardian Force, just released their first official demo recording, and I think that they did a great job!Also the vocalist sounds a lot better.The official demo can be downloaded from their website:http://gf.rocks.it
Here's my two:


ELECTROVOMIT - Electronic/metal project. We have three demos, plus I've done some remixes for Merrick(1862) (http://www.mp3.com/merrick1862) who are an alt.metal band that you might also want to check out. Four MP3s at the mp3.com site, another one plus the two remixes at the homepage.


MONOLYTHIC IDOL - Straight metal project. Only one released MP3 so far, but there's some more in the works. Bit of a Black/Doom metal hybrid, at the mo.
Originally posted by AngelWitch73
First Impressions after downloading 1 - 2 songs each:

The MP3 rip was really bad but I got a good enough idea of this band to know I would want to get their CD. Awesome sounding Power Metal !!


Thank you very much for the encouraging feedback!

It would be nice to hear your opinion about Guardian Force`s
new official demo-recording.The recording was made in a good studio so the sound quality is lightyears better.The two demo songs can be downloaded from their site
Guardian Force

If you want I can also get their demo-cd for you!