looking for pic


His Dudeness
Jan 8, 2002
listen up you internet porn addicts. i need some help. im looking for a porn picture of a dude banging a chick from behind.......but he has to be in the Captain Morgan position. you know what im talking about. looking dead at the camera, knee up, the whole 9 yards. ive yet been able to find one that suits me for its purpose.

sounds a bit odd....i know. but work with me here people. youre all internet whores and perverts. one of you has to have seen something along the lines of what im looking for. just keep your eyes peeled.


and for reference

Wings of a dream said:
Dude, draw a pain ¨stick¨ sketch, because I have no idea what you´re referring to.

i want a guy...fucking a chick from behind....but i want him to look like the captain, in his stance. you know, one leg up, looking at the camera. comeon now....its not that hard

and photoshop is correct
:lol: sorry dude, but i dont go to porn sites... there are more virus than pics :p

but i know what you're talking about :lol: