Looking for Production/mixing for my band!!!



www.myspace.com/milesandmilesband is my band (Check out the tracks)
The tracks on that myspace are off Our first EP and we recorded and produced in professional studios.

I have a pro tools rig at home and am able to record every instrument as a dry track
(and map out the drums on addictive drums plugin)
so i'm looking for someone to make my gross mix sound awesome!

Currently the song im working on is ALMOST finished so that's why i'm starting to look now..
Here's the link to what i have so far.

I pretty much just need someone who thinks that can make this sound awesome and examples of other work you've done and stuff.
I spoke to him yesterday, he was saying he can get his songs mixed for $40 US a song (mixed actually sounded pretty good), and basically I can't compete with that price. Good songs though!!! Would like to give the track a go so +1 for putting the waves up.
Downloaded the file this morning. Tried to unpack it but came with with an error. Not sure whats wrong with it. Might try downloading it again tomorrow if I get a chance.

Edit: Just downloaded again, should have realised this would be unusable unless in PT. There are 108 .wav files to sort through. I was expecting something along the lines of the 'Rose of Sharyn' DI and backing that Jeff posted. Good luck to others.