Looking for Production/mixing for my band!!!

I downloaded it and it unpacked OK.
The problem I have is that I cant piece together the 108 wave files
that all have a file name like "Audio 1_49.wav".
I dont have protools so I cant make sense of all those files but if
you exported the tracks separately I could have mixed it in Cubase.
I downloaded it and it unpacked OK.
The problem I have is that I cant piece together the 108 wave files
that all have a file name like "Audio 1_49.wav".
I dont have protools so I cant make sense of all those files but if
you exported the tracks separately I could have mixed it in Cubase.

some computer geek should write an auto-ban function we can incorporate into this forum.
+1 to what James said and also +1 to Ermin's:lol:, although it feels more like:ill: to me.

a shittily organized project with an extensive trackcount and you expect people to give you a good result for a price that ruins this industry?
welcome to this forum! :(
some computer geek should write an auto-ban function we can incorporate into this forum.
+1 to what James said and also +1 to Ermin's:lol:, although it feels more like:ill: to me.

a shittily organized project with an extensive trackcount and you expect people to give you a good result for a price that ruins this industry?
welcome to this forum! :(

This... I wont even download it... but 108 wav files? loool
Look... I'm one dude with a passion for music and I'm really not interested in what ruins the industry.. I'm just trying to get a decent mix.
I came here looking for help, not criticism anyway, I'm aware that it's pretty messy but I'm not sure how to join them at the moment *I'll go figure it out now*.

Sorry again for the messy Book keeping but if I've done something wrong.. just tell me? Anything else is counter productive.

Oh PS:: if you use it with pro tools it'll open straight away i'd say.

I'll try and have a NEW and USE ABLE .zip up tonight!

Thanks for your interest too guys! I am a nooooob at all this stuff:)
You should keep in mind that mixing is a time consuming process and 40$ per song is just not enough! I´m absolutely sure you´ll find someone who does the work for that money but you should feel bad about it anyways because he does hard work for a wage that is just not accepable... You should pay people what they deserve.
You're right but I'm broke so it's the all too familiarcase of The Broke Musician VS The Producer that wants to be paid fairly.

And "Widekmusic" Thanks for the tips bro. I'll do my best!

Save up, go to studio and record your album. Much better to wait and have a result that speaks for itself than this.
Here’s my 2 cents:

Lately there’s been a strong myth living here that if someone is offering mixing/mastering services for free (or almost free) it will kinda re-value things and do bad things to biz as common. I don’t think so, especially in this forum which is full of guys who are into DIY mixing - there is mainly no need for free services at the start.

Otoh, in these rare cases where the band or musician is looking for services for cheap price, why throw shit against them immediately? If I’ve got it right this free to post public forum, not any kind of front office for commercial production houses where first things asked is budget. If the band or musician is broke why not just let forumites themselves to decide if they wanna help those people out with low price.

Besides this could be a true real world exercise, quick DIY practise with unorganized files and so on. I mean, what the heck, let it be folks. Also that dude with 400$ mixing competition…we have guitar tone competitions with less valuable prices, so how it could be anybody’s business if someone wants to mix it all for that cash? People need practicing files for mixing and we’re trying to prevent people from learning and already talking about banning these posters, I don’t agree its the right thing to do.

Now, here’s something fun, strongly related:

There was an interview of a very mediocre painter in radio…the man said that he unfortunately isn’t good enough to get called from a gallery to make an exhibition, but he said he’ll get one immediately IF he gets a change to talk to gallerist just half an hour! He said sometimes only 10 min coffee is enough to get one. This is a bit like company job offers sometimes on newspapers – “we are seeking a right kind of (!) type for the job.” It actually doesn’t matter how good the dude is but he must be a “right kind of” dude.
(Btw, the overall schooling, shorter and shorter university studies etc., of the people is going all the time to this direction where no one is anymore irreplaceable in his job). Many sociological studies is reporting this in a context that in our days the TALK is important, not as much the content itself. (…oh geeeez, my stocks are going deep ’n down every post made as everyone sees I’m not a “right kind dude”, no shit! :-)

PS. If its just semantics, then OP should rename the topic “A song for learning to mix”.
Nothing wrong with free mixes done for educational/favor purposes. It's how many of us got started.

It's when someone comes on demanding a great quality mix for $40 a pop that things become.... downright insulting, to be honest. Not only to the individuals who take part, but also to the perceived worth of the profession as a whole. The sense of entitlement exhibited is bewildering.

To come on here and ask 'hey who wants to mix a product, please give us your prior references and we'll make a decision based off that' is totally fine. But to avoid initially providing a budget, and then follow up by saying 'hey here is the track, mix it off amongst yourselves and fight for scraps of our attention and money that won't even pay your electricity bill this month' is something else. Ridiculous.

If you work for free to get your chops/reputation up, that's fine. As long as the artists acknowledge you are doing them a favor. You can build lasting partnerships this way that turn into real, paid work down the track and ultimately help both parties. But to take mixing jobs for measly amounts that barely cover your expenditures, if that, is not only insulting to yourself, but has widespread negative connotations to the industry. It means you acknowledge your mix is only worth $40, and I feel truly sorry for anyone in this industry who believes that about their work.

That's about it. I didn't intend to post this at all, but its clear that someone needs to elucidate, once again, why this is a problem and how feeding it only hurts everyone in the end. Won't post any more. Enjoy the thread.