Looking for some really heavy/dark metal, just not too fast?

Angel's Punishment

New Metal Member
Nov 20, 2008
Basically I'm looking for some really heavy and dark metal. Don't have a preference of vocal style, or even subgenre, just as long as it is heavy and not too fast. Basically not like Children of Bodom fast.

Examples would be like Katatonia or Opeth or Kamelot, but I'm looking for bands that are heavier than that *without* a speed increase. Also needs a good deep beat. If that makes sense. Wouldn't mind a Celtic or Viking influence ;) But not picky.

Thanks \m/
I thought Darkspace or some funeral doom when you said really heavy/dark, but obviously they're nothing like what you listed.
Thanks for the suggestions, I'll check em out =)

And Lateralus, my examples weren't really for music types, just kind of the tempo. Thanks, I'll check out Darkspace right now ^_^
I thought Darkspace or some funeral doom when you said really heavy/dark, but obviously they're nothing like what you listed.

Yeah, I was ready to come in recommending Esoteric, Nortt, and Ahab. Which, note to the OP, are really heavy, dark, and not too fast...ha
