Looking for webpages/articles/lessons on lung capacity

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
To improve the length of my death growl. I can hold it out maximum of 4 seconds. I definitely need to work on my lung capacity, as well as different ways to work on growling and black metal screaming. If anyone has any articles or advice (that has to do with the question), please let me know. Thanks in advance.
a few things i found help, as i have been singing and playing guitar in a black/viking metal band for about two years. Jack Daniels really gets the vocal chords warmed up first of all. i start off before practice and shows with a little octave warmup. Its basically what opera singers do, only in death black growl style. startgin at low volume and low pitch then increasing volume while keeping the pitch is the first thing i do. Its hard to keep a good deep growl at a loud volume if you havent noticed. After youve got the one octave pretty well stable with good volume, go up to the next octave. basically in about 10 minutes i go from chris barnes to dani filth. there are some breathing/meditation exercises i use for breath capacity to. Sit in a position so that your back is vertically straight and head is straight out. breathe in deep 4 times slowly and hold for 5 seconds, then blow the air out of your nose. youll develop your own routine after awhile if you actually get into developing your vocals. just few little tidbits.

this course was brought to you by Grimniir- Growltonics 101
sweet, thanks alot! im gonna work on the breathing/meditation style thing today. as with the octave things, i wouldnt be able to do that haha, i need singing training, then i can do it from there
I dunno about jack daniels, I find alcohol makes it hurt more to growl. Generally I'd drink something thick (like fruit juice or milk to keep my throat moist for a longer period of time) during my warm up (which is similar to en vind's).
As for breath, I use the classic old method of blowing up a lot of balloons as fast as I can. Add to that a lot of cycling, running, weight training which has probably increased my lung capacity to a certain extent (that's the bit you're probably least interested in dead6skin lol).
