Looking to upgrade hardware on my Les Paul


Amiga Enthusiast
Oct 30, 2003
Nottingham, England.
Ok, I've got a Epi Les Paul Standard that I want to replace the bridge/tuners, and possibly nut on. Any recommendations? I was thinking Tone-pro's Bridge, Kluson tuners and an Earvana nut.
Tone Pro's!!!!! Graphite nut fer sure. Earvana changes the tension from between the G and B to the B and E. But seriously, Graph Tech and Tone Pro's. Kluson tuners are ok, but their are Schallers that will do better.
You will be very happy with a tone pros bridge loaded with graph tech saddles... I have them on all my guitars along with a graph tech nut....
I've got Grover Deluxes on it at the mo, are Sperzels pretty much a straight swap? And I'll look into that site thanks.

I'm pretty sure there are differences in the bore of different tuning machines (as far as how big of a diameter hole has to be drilled) - you should measure yours and go here for some idea of reference!
My Epi LP came with a stock graphite nut, which is great. And the Grovers are pretty decent, too. Don't know uf they're the same as on the standards.
Well I'll order some strings and have a go, it's mainly the G string, which I've heard is common for plain string G's. So maybe I'll go up to a wound G and see how I fair.
I switched to sperzels on my epi les paul and I'll never look back. You don't have to bore out the hole any more but you do have to drill a tiny hole for this kind of gide post thing they have. But the package comes with a stencil type thing and tells you exactly what size bit to use. Pretty much idiot proof, I've done it to two guitars in 10 mins each and have had absolutly no problems with them.

Edit: Oh yea, and i once broke my low E string during a show, in the middle of the last chorus of the last song of the set. Because of the sperzels i was able to (somehow lol) rip off the broken string and get a new one in and tuned up in time to join in for the last break down. It was something stupid like 30 or 40 seconds that it took me to change the string haha.
What tuning do you play in mostly?

I have mine on B standard with a wound g string and thanks to the graphite nut no tuning issues whatsoever.
If I was you, I'd have a custom bone nut installed...(or graphite, your preference!). Have your tech cut it specifically for your gauge of strings and you should be good.

I'm having this done to my Les Paul tomorrow. I also bought some Grover locking Rotomatics. They are 18:1 ratio! Can't wait.
