Looks like I picked the wrong year to go to Virginia Tech.

He sounds exactly like Napolean Dynamite in those videos.

MajestikMøøse;6083673 said:
looks like he's played too much counter-strike

I thought the same thing, but I've played CS for the past 7 years, and I turned out fine. :lol:


edit: I really don't why, but the crazy korean with hammer reminds of Gilbert Gottfried
quote yahoo news-

"The statement was issued during a statewide day of mourning for the victims of the worst massacre in U.S. history."
Just another distraction from the debacle in Iraq. The Bushies probably couldn't be happier.
Maybe they're talking about average kpp (kill per person), which would explain why this one ranks so high. I mean fuck, 31 kpp (one suicide, -1) is pretty fucking good for a massacre, am I right?