Lopez's Drumming With AA


Here comes the apple, zed
Oct 13, 2005
Vancouver Island.
Not sure how many Amon Amarth fans are around, but Martin Lopez as you probably all know played drums on their album "Once Sent From the Golden Halls" and my copy just came in the mail. And man I must say, listening to his drumming back then I think the possibilities of Karma being played live have definetley increased in my mind.

Just, wow. :cry:
Amon Amarth RULES. Once Sent was an amazing debut full length, and Martin Lopez's performance is stunning as always. AA has been a favorite of mine for just as long as Opeth has been, and it's great that both bands coming to town within a month of eachother. Cheers!
Awesome man, I've been a fan for quite some time as well. And I also couldnt find it in any of the CD stores I looked in either, so I ordered mine on line. But as for the whole "Karma" thing, I know Martin wouldnt have any troubles with playing it, I just figure it'd be a stamina issue. For instance in the outro. His arms and legs would be like jelly after all was said and done. But if thats the reason then that really sucks, but I dont think it should hold them back because a lot of their fans obviously like the track very much.
I will be going to see AA next week, for they tour with Children of Bodom and Trivium. AA does indeed rule and is currently my favorite band of the three. I'll let you guys know how the show is.
Amon Amarth are amazing! I enjoyed a life-show and for me "vs. the world" is one of the best Melodic Death Metal Albums ever recorded.
By the way: Johann Hegg is a really cool Frontmann.
I just saw AA last weekend and it was awesome! They stole the show from Trivium and c.O.B. without question though. They only got to play about 30 minutes. I wish Trivium and C.O.B. could have not played at all and had Amon Amarth play the entire time! Lopez drumming is good on that cd, I enjoy the album. but I enjoy hearing himin Opeth.
I love the drumming on Without Fear. fuckin awesome when he does the two ride thingo... know wat i mean? But yeh the song Aman Amarth of Once Sent is the best by FAR. it is sooooo fuckin awesome other than that i dont really love the album, Versus the World owns it. in fact, Versus the World owns lots of things.