
Jim LotFP said:
The video for the song they entered is pretty dark, although I am under the impression that the football players in pads and that kind of cheerleader outfit is a decidedly American thing. And I love that at the end, all the kids running for their lives are HOLDING ON TO THEIR SCHOOLBOOKS.

OK, so maybe it is too ridiculous to be dark. :D

Winning a pop contest is a national achievement? I know I see parallels in all the wrong places and put the importance on the wrong things, but it's interesting that Americans are considered wrong and supporting some sort of nebulous human rights violation for wanting to control their borders and prevent undocumented (and illegal) immigration, and are considered racist for suggesting English should be the national language... but in Europe, strict immigration policies, national languages, and nationalistic spirit over pop contests (and I don't doubt the perception, there was partying in the streets here) and soccer games is huge.

I will never understand humanity.


Americans aren't all that racist... except towards black people. But the reasons for that are pretty complicated. Otherwise you don't see immigrants (outside of the Southwest) take crap from Americans.

You also still don't see overt racism usually, most of it is subtle and systematic (again, there are exceptions, as police seem to have a problem with this). It's not ok to talk about race in the same way Europeans do. I remember being in Spain and in a lot of places I heard people complain about gypsies in a way that even really racist white Americans wouldn't about blacks or immigrants. And it seemed very common. At least in the US you have to watch your mouth.
Gurgelguff said:
Does Lordi wear masks ? I think they look like the the average metalband:)

According to Strong Bad Lordi fall exactly into a category of a death metal band...even though they're just glam in monster costumes
cenzu said:
maybe next year sweden will take part in the eurovision song contest with "the band called ROCK"?
:lol: :loco: :headbang:

paradoxile said:
I see the hands...I see the FIRE and I rock in the night of fire....


Just thinking about those videos always puts a smile on my face and I can never stop laughing.
no they didnt. benz came up with the idea for a car, and earlier even robert louis stevenson invented a steam-engine powered car. Ford only introduced mass production - which may have been as big an invention as the car itself. Television was invented bases upon ideas of Europeans (germans, UK people).
I can give you cars, but not TV ... Philo Farnsworth might have had European influences, but he's the one who put it all together.
Haha paradoxile I was just thinking about that Strong Bad episode when I read this thread! :lol:

Fat. Ugly. Nordic. Bowels. :lol:

Anyway, I think it's all good fun that Finland won, but tbh eurovision is such a load of tripe that anyone participating ought to be shot in the streets, even (or maybe especially) if they pretend to play metal.

Lordi did a fun thing though, because their act upset alot of the hardcore eurovision fans, and that's always a good thing. Those people are messed up, so if anyone (Lordi in this case) can poke fun at them, I say let them!

Anyway, Carola, the swedish contestant, is one of Swedens most famous singers and has participated in the EVC several times and even won once (I think it is once anyway...). She's highly religious and has been a part of Jehovas Witnesses or some such shit. She is now Botox'ed beyond belief, which is why she looks a bit extra witchy and evil. Combined with the religious fervor in her eyes it does make for a scary image...