loren coleman probably won't let me visit his crypto museum. :(


human plant/container
Oct 17, 2003
Boston, MA
I GOT AN E-MAIL BACK FROM HIM regarding the cryptozoology museum, and he's all scared that i will unscrew his museum!

here's the e-mail:

Dear Ms. Mia M -

Thank you for contacting me. You seem like a charming, adventurous
cryptozoologically interested individual.

The museum is still by appointment only, because it really is merely in the
initial stages of development (despite the media's attention to it).
Thusfar, only two rooms have items (Yeti hair, 100 footprint casts, lifesize
museum quality coelacanth, scores of Japanese cryptozoological figurines, 2
jackalopes, furred trout, Feejee Mermaid from P.T. Barnum,, frogs from
Magnolia, Laura Linney's shirt from The Mothman Prophecies, several skulls,
etc.). Most of the large things are in storage or promised for future
delivery. But there's various items here, which might interest you. Due to
the holidays, I won't be making any appointments again until January.

However, while I appreciate your humor and anarchy, should I really invite
you into my home museum if you are going to unscrew everything? Will I
need to install a metal detector now, to make certain you aren't carrying
your trusty screwdriver with you? :-)

Needless to say, I screen people carefully who wish to visit. Let me know
more about yourself. In the meantime, sincerely, thank you for sending your
intrigue for life in my direction.

Best wishes,

also, since he carefully screens people visiting the museum, i bet he visited my livejournal (both the description of my world domination project and a link to my livejournal is the signature of all of e-mails.) and so i bet he read about me wanting to make boobie cheese pizza and how i ate toby's moles.

do you think he'd still let me into his museum? :)


on the other hand he said I seem "like a charming, adventurous
cryptozoologically interested individual."

OMG. loren coleman, god of cryptozoology said that.

So, were those frogs in Magnolia based on a real occurance/myth/something?

I've heard of raining fish from tornadoes over water coming to land, but frogs?
I think I'd maybe be more interested in visiting the museum after it's completion.
There are various documented cases of frog falls, space ghost, as well as reports of lumps of meat, snakes, eels, ants, worms, periwinkles, and blood falling from the sky!

i'd love to get hit in the face with a lump of mystery meat that fell from the sky.
if that happened to you, would you eat it?
i definitely would.

it would be sort of gross, though, to have mystery skymeat juice on your face when it hit you. i bet if you didn't wash it right away, you'd get a lot of pimples.
firedwarf - it's a museum of cryptozoology (study of unknown and undiscovered animals) that loren coleman, leading investigator of the paranormal + cryptozoology, opened very recently in portland, maine.
mia, he's somewhat active on a few fortean and cryptozoology-oriented e-mail lists. if you like him a lot, you may want to subscribe to them (via yahoogroups). unless you've already done that. he often breaks big sightings there.

i know he's been working on this museum for at least four years now, and i hope there are actually larger items "on the way". i think you know those japanese cryptozoological figurines are a series of toys that are available all over ebay. if he's crafty, he has them in stock and sells them after showing them...

as for the rest of the stuff, eh. i'm still considering a visit (although i didn't know it was this small thus far), just to see the yeti hair.

i think you can donate stuff he's looking for (there used to be a list), and get your name engraved on a "donated by" plaque for crypto-museum immortalization. i remember when he was really looking for someone to purchase a gigantopithecus repro skull.

mia, do you realize that loren is a major proponent (and i think the first person to promote) the dover demon??

*** let me also add that i don't think there's any way he would refuse you a showing.
hehe, now that i think about it, maybe i should have just said "well-known"...? i think maybe i was brainwashed, and i read it as a catch phrase somewhere. alpha waves, alpha waves, uh oh.

also, he doesn't research the paranormal? i thought "mysterious america" was all about UFOs, cryptids, and ghosts.

in any case, i wrote back, reassuring him that i wouldn't unscrew his museum or abscond with one of his jackalopes or anything like that.
actually i was watching this show on the SciFi channel last night that was about werewolves, the mummy's curse, d.b. cooper, and reincarnation and in the section about werewolves they actually were talking to loren coleman!


loren coleman *will* let me visit his museum - and he said to bring toby, which is an indication that he did indeed read my journal, and i guess he's okay with the mole-eating/boobie-cheese pizza, etc. since i never mentioned toby anywhere in the e-mails!

by the way, turns out mister coleman is completely cool and a very clever, fun person. i mean, he hunts cryptids around the world, of course he's not uptight. i don't know why i would've thought otherwise. but OMFG a personal tour of the international museum of cryptozoology by LOREN COLEMAN even before it's open to the public!

*creams pants*